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Pushing the shop door open, she turned around, not even sparing a look at the lifeless women- the sight itself sending her into cold sweat

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Pushing the shop door open, she turned around, not even sparing a look at the lifeless women- the sight itself sending her into cold sweat.

"Knew there was someone watching"
Yena's eyes widened upon hearing the voice- she did not have to face the person but she already knew it was the killer himself.

Yena was about to run but stopped hearing him.
"Don't move or I'll shoot you"
Yena froze- staying in her position and a laugh escaped his lips, throwing his empty hands in the air before muttering a 'stupid' as he approached the girl.

"Boss she's a witness, do I kill her?"
He spoke through the earpiece before his hands reached forward to the back of her head, fingers gripping onto her hair and she screwed her eyes shut in pain.

"A pretty one you are little girl"
He said, and she opened her eyes immediately meeting his, an evil smirk playing on his lips as he yanked her head back earning a whimper from her in ache.

"How can I kill you pretty?"
Yena wordlessly stared into his eyes despite her panicked self- mind storming with ways to escape his hold.

"Let's see who's killing whom?"
Yena said, and he inched closer to her, gritting his teeth in rage- his other hand gripping onto her bare neck, her pulse being felt against his fingers as he did.

"Brave aren't we? I'll kill that in you"
He pressed his fingers further onto her neck- her eyes dwelling up with tears as her hands cupped over his trying to break free from his hold.

"Even if there's a gun being pointed at your forehead right now?"
Upon hearing those words from her, he turned his head around in panic and taking the chance to escape she elbowed him in the stomach but he was quick to catch hold of her, and almost instinctively she kneed him in between his legs.

He hissed, dropping onto the ground in pain.

"Run Yena, run"
Yena sprint out of the place not caring where her feet took her, his screams fading out as she ran away from him, all she wanted was to escape from the killer- her life at death's door.

Swinging the door open to where her legs made her run subconsciously, she stumbled inside the building- almost crawling in since her legs gave up and energy drained out, tears rolling down her flushed face as her trembling hand reached forward in the air and was soon invaded by the warmth of his big hand that held onto hers- body screaming in tiredness and torment.

"Yena wake up! Yen—"

Her ears ringing as dots invaded her vision and all she could hear was faint voices of people calling out her name yet she could not muster her energy to speak up.
Though she desperately wanted them to know what had happened, words barely formed in her mouth, escaping out as mere whispers and before she knew her eyes rolled back and her unconscious body dropped down right onto his arms.

Though she desperately wanted them to know what had happened, words barely formed in her mouth, escaping out as mere whispers and before she knew her eyes rolled back and her unconscious body dropped down right onto his arms

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