Nao Serizawa (Girlfriend)

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Nao Serizawa and (Y/N L/N) are both third year mid-schoolers at Iwatobi Junior High School. The only difference is their sections. Nao is in section 3-1 while (Y/N) is in section 3-2. But those sections aren't the obstruction for their relationship. Yes. (Y/N) is in a relationship with Nao since their second year in mid-school so she knows almost everything about Nao.

But, in fall season of their second year days, Nao told (Y/N) about his condition. He can't lie to her. Not even a little.

Flashback to the day he told you about his right eye's condition...

"(Y/N), come sit here beside me for a while." he commanded. You did as he told. You sat beside him on a bench that is for couples.

"What is it, Nao?" you asked. Ready to listen whatever he's going to say.

"I'm kind of hard to see nowadays." you went shocked.

"What?! Then why don't you go to the hospital now and let the optometrist check your eyes?" you said while panicking like hell.

"Hey (Y/N), relax. I can still see. It's just that it became blurry from time to time. But, I can't even afford the check ups or operation so for as long as I can still see everything, there's no reason to go to the optometrist yet." he said trying to calm you down. You somehow calmed down.

"But I'll be worried and you can't stop me. I'm afraid that you might not see things clearly soon." you said while tears are forming in your eyes. Nao holds you closer to him.

"Sssshhhh.. Don't cry, (Y/N). I'm still alive." he said and chuckled a bit.

"Shut up! I'm just really worried about your condition." you said while wiping your tears. Nao wiped away the remaining tears on your face making you blush. He smiled.

"I know." he said while holding you tight.


(Y/N) went to the Swim Club from her Music Club since her mentor dismissed the club earlier. She noticed that the first years aren't present, Nao as well. So, she tried to ask Natsuya.

"Natsuya, where is Nao and the first years?" you asked.

"Huh? Well, he's at the hospital right now. I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier. It's just that Nao told me not to tell you because he doesn't want you to worry too much." Natsuya explained nervously knowing that you're already worried right now. You gritted your teeth but you set your anger aside.

"Okay. Now that I'm worried, thanks for telling me so." you said while tapping his shoulder as you walk away. The hospital is actually near the school. So you went there even if Nao doesn't want to. You asked the nurse on the counter where's Nao's room.

"Where's Serizawa Nao's room?" you asked the nurse.

"Who are you first before I tell you his room?" the nurse asked you. You gritted your teeth but you managed to reply back.

"I'm (Y/N L/N). His girlfriend. Now, where's his room?" you replied bluntly.

"His room is on the second floor. You'll see his name on the door eventually when you get there." the nurse explained.

"Ok, thanks." you thanked and walk upstairs. You reached the second floor and read every names on the door until you see Nao's name on one of those doors.

"There he is." you said and sighed in relief but you didn't enter the room yet since you heard Nao talking to the first years. Nao saw you and prompted you to enter.

"Come here, (Y/N)." he said. The first years then greeted you as you entered the room.

"Good afternoon, (Y/N)-senpai!" they greeted and bowed. You chuckled a bit.

"Good afternoon too, first years!" you greeted back and you sit on the vacant chair and dragged it near Nao's bed.

"Uh, Nao-senpai, (Y/N)-senpai, we're going home now. See you both later." Makoto said and smiled at both of you. The rest of the first years just waved goodbye.

"Okay. Take care, all of you." you said while waving goodbye too. You then shifted your gaze at Nao who's actually nervous because of what he did. You look down a bit before you speak.

"Nao, why didn't you tell me earlier? I should've skipped my Music Club's class just to accompany you." you asked while frowning a bit. Nao sighed deeply.

"I'm really sorry, (Y/N). I know, you're just worried. But, I don't want you to skip any classes or school clubs just for me. It'd never be fair." he explained and looked at you. You stand up and sit beside him on the bed and hugged his waist real tight. He holds you close to him.

"Next time, please just tell me if you have any emergencies like this. Don't make me worry. Because taking care of you is one of my responsibilities. It's my responsibility as your girlfriend." you said while crying.

"Sssshhhh.. Enough (Y/N). I'll get well soon so you don't have to worry too much about my condition. I promise that." he said while rubbing your back and smiled. You wipe your tears and muttered, "I just love you so much, Nao." He smiled even more because he heard it.

"I love you more, (Y/N). That's why I'm not gonna let you worry too much about me." he said. You gasped while blushing and smiled and playfully punch him. He hugged you instead.

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