Danielle Gets Chased By A Dog

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Danielle: *walking*

German Shepherd: *growling and starts chasing Danielle*

Danielle: *screams* Help! *runs away from the dog*

German Shepherd: *barking and chases after Danielle*

Danielle: *still running away from the dog* Where is the owner?!

German Shepherd: *still barking and chasing Danielle*

Danielle: *runs into Burger King to be safe*

German Shepherd: *growls and waits for Danielle to come back out*

Danielle: Can someone tell this dog to leave me alone?

Burger King Employee: No! You want some food?

Danielle: Just a Whopper.

Burger King Employee: Okay. $19.97, please.

Danielle: Since when did a Whopper cost that much?! Ugh! *pays with a 20*

Burger King Employee: Eh, some girl by the name of Kris told me to raise the price, just for you. You're Danielle, right?

Danielle: Are you stalking me? Yes! I'm gonna murder Kris for this!

Burger King Employee: Here's your food.

Danielle: *sits down to eat*

German Shepherd: *still waiting outside for Danielle*

Danielle: I wish that dog would go away! He needs to be on a leash!

Old Woman: Hurry up, and eat! The dog is waiting for ya!

Danielle: Shut up! *eats her Whopper* Well, that's it. *throws the wrapper away and goes out the other way to avoid being seen by the dog*

German Shepherd: *knows what she is doing and resumes the chase and barks*

Danielle: NO!!!!!!! *runs away from the dog again*

This story was written on Thursday, June 11th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

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