Forgetfulness Has A Lot To Learn About Driving

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Forgetfulness: I can't to drive to wherever I want to go.

Dana: You got a lot to learn about driving, F.

Forgetfulness: How?

Craig: Do you even have an Idaho Driver's Manual?

Forgetfulness: No.

Jake: Who has the right of way?

Forgetfulness: What?

Jake: I'm gonna ask you again. Who has the right of way?

Forgetfulness: I don't know.

Me: See? He's totally not prepared to be on the road.

QueenHaileyQuinn420: Exactly!

Craig: Pedestrians have the right of way, F! You should probably take notes. That's especially true, when you come to a yield sign, let the other drivers pass through. Are you paying attention, F?

Forgetfulness: What did you say?

Craig: You idiot! Pay attention, cause I'm not gonna repeat myself! When you come to a yield sign, let the other drivers pass on through. You getting me?

Forgetfulness: Yes.

Nyx0625: I see no hope for him. He's gonna fail.

QueenHaileyQuinn420: I agree.

Forgetfulness: Driving can't be that hard, can it?

Herman: You'll also have to learn how to parallel park. And, brother! It's not that easy! I know, I done it so many times, and it was no walk in the park!

Forgetfulness: I see.

Erin: You got a lot to learn about being a safe driver, F. Otherwise, if you crash someone's car, you can expect a big lawsuit coming your way. Not gonna lie.

Brody: He probably won't use his turn signal, either.

Forgetfulness: I won't let you down, I promise.

Dana: Uh huh, sure.

This story was written on Monday, June 22nd, 2020.

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