A Bad Day Is A Bad Day For Sure

22 4 6

Rayford, Wisconsin

Pam was entering Rayford High School. Then, when almost approached her locker, she tripped on her shoelaces on her black Keds. Embarrassed by the stares of everyone, she quickly tied them. She got back up, amidst the laughter, amongst the student body. She opened her locker, and got out her Science book, for First Period. She closed her locker, and hung out with her best friend, Brad.

"Hey, Pam!" he said.

"Hey, Brad!" she said.

"Excited for the last day of school?"

"You know I am! Wish we were graduating like the Class Of 2020!"

"We only got two more years! Class of 2022!"

The warning bell began to ring, and it was time for Homeroom. Pam and Brad went their separate ways. When Pam made it to Homeroom, and sat down, a flatulence sound was heard. Fearing the worst, she realized she sat on a whoopie cushion.

"Oh my gosh, the look on your face was priceless!" laughed Tracey. My pranks know no bounds!"

"Tracey, you jerk!" barked Pam. "I'll kill you for this!"

"And, I'll have you arrested for making threats against another student!" warned Mr. Conway, her Homeroom teacher. "Now, sit down, and leave Tracey alone."

"She planted the whoopie cushion on my seat!" protested Pam.

"I said, sit down!" yelled Mr. Conway.

Pam sighed, exasperated, and plopped down at her desk. As soon as Mr. Conway did the daily attendance, Pam went to her Science class. As soon as she stepped inside, the class was empty. Then, Pam saw a note. It read: NO CLASS TODAY! FIELD TRIP TO IOWA!

Pam was agahst! She was supposed to arrive at the school at an earlier time, to take the bus to Iowa with her science teacher, Miss Cloverfield. She forgot all about getting up early. Could her day get any more worse?

Eventually, lunch time came, and Pam was in the cafeteria, with her tray of food. Today on the menu was hot dogs, fries, and baked beans. She got a carton of chocolate milk, and sat down next to this girl, Amanda Eli, who was rather quiet.

"I had a bad day, today," said Pam, eating her hot dog.

"Sorry to hear that, muttered Amanda, drinking her milk.

"I can't wait to get out of school for the summer."

"Yeah, me too. Be quiet. I'm trying to eat."

"Sorry, just making conversation."

All of a sudden, the school bully, Andrew Carter, took Pam's carton of chocolate milk, and poured it all over her denim jacket.

"Oops!" laughed Andrew. "How clumsy of me! Enjoy your lunch, loser!"

"Dude, seriously?" hissed Pam.

"That was actually pretty funny!" giggled Amanda.

"You won't think it's funny, if I punch you in the nose!" snapped Pam. "Get me another chocolate milk!"

Amanda got up, and got another carton of chocolate milk for Pam. "Here you go," said Amanda, trying to contain her laughter.

"Thanks," grunted Pam. "Now, I have to wash my denim jacket, when I get home." She drank her milk, and finished her lunch. She discarded her tray, and proceeded to Study Hall.

This was a prompt by imtheoddgirl! I had so much fun writing this! Anyway, don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤️😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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