Forgetfulness Is Rushing Himself

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Forgetfulness: I am gonna go a road trip to California! When I get my license, that's exactly what I am gonna do!

ilovemybooks2000: Aren't you rushing things, a bit too fast, F? You need to have what it takes to be a safe driver!

Dana: That's what I told him! He has to enroll in Driver's Ed, must have 30 hours of studying for the written test, watch videos on driving, and have enough driving practice!

Melissahoel1: Doesn't he have to schedule a test date?

Dana: Whenever he thinks he is ready. He must pass the written test, in order to proceed to driving test. You paying attention, F?

Forgetfulness: I think so.

Dana: You better be! It's your choice, if you want your driver's license, or not. I can't make that choice for you.

Nancy: If you choose to fool around, during Driver's Ed, you will be kicked out.

Me: You can do your test at the school, or at the DMV. But, you gotta study! If you fail, you have to wait 28 days in order to retake the test. Hmm, not sure how it goes here in Idaho.

Victoria: F, go to, and look up information for driving.

Forgetfulness: Okay.

This story was written on Monday, June 22nd, 2020.

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