²⁰christ and shrek

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As Luke and I exited the elevator, cats and guitar in our arms, we stopped midway to my apartment as my neighbour's door opened.

Caught in surprise, we almost bumped into each other as Nelson's crooked figure emerged from his apartment.

Immediately, his eyes darted at Sunny, who was trapped within my embrace. Then he looked at Luke suspiciously, cocking a brow when he saw Darth in his arms. "Good morning, Katherine," He nodded at Luke. "Sir,"

I gave a polite smile. "Good morning, Nelson,"

Bending down, he wrapped a pruny hand around the small pile of mail on his doorstep. After rising back up and meeting me in the eye, he scoffs. "So you're mating your cat with his but not with mine? Typical," He rolls his eyes, turning around and giving me a cold shoulder.

My jaw dropped. "Excuse -" Before I can say anything else, his front door is slammed shut and I can hear his slippers making their way further into his apartment.

A silence settled, allowing me to swallow the short and very confusing situation. But before it could continue any longer, I hear Luke break into a fit of laughter beside me.

When I turn to look, he's bent back, mouth open in glee as his childlike laugh escaped one by one. "What the fuck?" He said between coughs of chuckles.

I laughed with him, shaking my head as I realise how comical it all must've looked to him. "My neighbour, Nelson, I think he's mad." I continue to make my way further into the hall, finding my familiar apartment door and digging through my bag for my keys.

"Why's he mad?" Luke asks, his tone telling me he was holding back another laugh.

Once I find my keys, I shove them into the keyhole, turning and pushing the door open. "Ever since he met Darth, he asks almost every week if him and his cat, Susan, can have a "playdate", which is code for him asking if our cats can fuck and make babies." I drop Sunny onto the floor and hang my bag on the hooks stuck on the back of the door.

Luke closes the door for me and takes the keys, placing them on the shoe cabinet. "His cat's name is Susan?" He gives me a confused look and I tilt my head at him.

"Was that all you got?"

He snorts, carefully placing Darth on the floor and watching as he scurried off into the living room. "No, it's just that... I don't know, who names their cat Susan?" He furrows his brow at the generic name. "It's like naming your child Karen!"

He follows me as I take my shoes off and place them in the cabinet, making his converse sit next to mine even when there are shelves full of space.

"And did he really call you Katherine?"

I shrug, leading him into the apartment. "Yeah. I think he's sworn never to call me by my actual name until I agree to that "playdate" he keeps asking for,"

Luke follows me into the kitchen, looking around with a curious look in his eye. I notice how he furrows his brow at the mushroom salt and pepper shakers, then to the jar of green powder it stood in front of. "Nice kitchen," He huffs out a breath, smirking at something on the floor.

I draw my eyes to what had caught his attention, my eyes widening at the red, lacy bra sitting by my feet.

With a gasp, I quickly duck down and grab it, hiding it behind me with an awkward smile.

He's concealing back a smile. "Is that -"

"Mara's. She and that guy came here," I smile, lying straight through my teeth as I know she borrowed the piece of clothing from me before we attended the carnival. But Luke doesn't need to know that.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now