⁴¹two eggs in my crap

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"Thank you for coming, have a nice day!" The cashier offers me a wave and I return with a smile, the paper bag clutched between my arms with some drinks and snacks inside.

I walk out of the grocery entrance, spotting Luke just standing right beside with Darth in his arms.

Luke and I decided we'd take Darth out to Central Park, grab some food along the way, and just sit in an area a little further away from people.

We'd invited Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Mara but they immediately turned us down, cheeky grins on them as I realised what they were doing.

This didn't dissuade Luke from the plan, as he still helped me pack Darth's treats, my sketchbook, and my pencils into my bag before we headed out in a cab.

Luke seemed ecstatic to be bringing Darth outside, as he never really thought cats liked being inside, as they are known to be more sleep-around-the-house kind of creatures.

Luckily, neither of my cats don't mind being brought outside the building, or anywhere, for that matter. But Sunny seemed to have grown attached to Calum, which is why she hasn't come with Luke and I.

Luke gives me a smile as we start walking down the sidewalk, people occasionally looking our way and staring at Darth.

As we near the well-known park, my mind stays occupied by the article I read earlier this morning, knowing Luke hasn't even read it yet I'm here setting my mind on fire about it.

I shouldn't care, I know that much, but I can't help but keep the thought close.

As soon as we start to walk into the premises of the park, we sense attention directed towards us. I'm not sure if it's the fact that I'm with Luke Hemmings or that we've brought a cat to a park instead of the usual dog in a leash.

My worries are rested when I see a toddler point at Darth before imitating what I think was a cat's meow, which sounded more like a dying rat.

Luke seems to be loving the attention Darth's getting, joyously taking the cat's paw and waving it at smaller children, grinning whenever they'd squeal and laugh at him.

God, you're so fucking precious, I think to myself as I watch him wave goodbye to a young boy who had waved back at Darth. "Enjoying yourself?" I smirk, turning Luke's attention towards me.

He laughs, nodding as he turns Darth towards his face. "Yep. Darth's become a star amongst your fellow New Yorkers," He boops Darth's nose before scratching the underside of her chin. "You're famous, Darth. Be careful, it'll go just as fast as it comes," He playfully advises.

I quirk a brow at the advice. Just as fast as it comes, huh? "He'll need that advice soon, pretty sure he's basking in all the glory," I play along, watching Luke grin and roll his eyes. "See, look at him! He's made you his servant,"

He scoffs. "Psh, bold of you to assume I didn't wanna become his servant,"

I hold back a laugh as he rubs his own nose with Darth's. "I don't know what that says about you,"

I fetch my phone from my bag and take a quick photo of them, smiling before I send it to Maddie's number. "can i call rn?" I ask, barely a minute before I see the familiar three dots pop up.

"whoooo is that ???" She sends, earning a sly smirk from me as I know I won't be providing any context. "his side profile looks divine. is that his real nose? if that's his real nose im throwing a fit."

I laugh, facing my screen towards the now curious Luke. "My sister likes your nose,"

He puts on a confused smile. "Only? Nothing about my charming personality?" He flashes a toothy grin to make an impression of what's supposed to be "charming".

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now