³³blurred lines are for the broken of heart

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The high-pitched beeping of the monitor matches with my own heartbeat, the high and low frequencies the only thing I hear though a man in a white doctor's coat stands in front of me, clipboard in hand as he explains why I'd fainted twenty-four hours earlier.

It all comes across as white noise, static, irritating me and making me want to close my eyes and go back to sleep.

Mara's listening to him for me, knowing I'm too well out of it to pay attention to anything.

I look down at the IV stuck on my arm, the needle pierced through and taped on my skin. The long, rubber tube is held up to a dextrose, dripping down every second, trailing through the see-through tube, to my bloodstream.

Less than an hour ago, I was still fast asleep, tucked into the cold, thin hospital sheets that reek of detergent and sanitiser. The air was cold on my skin when I woke to the ambience of the hospital. Mara was sat on a small armchair beside me, phone in hand as she scrolled through her darkened Twitter feed.

She quickly called on the doctor when she realised I was awake, and he began to look through my vitals, saying with calm satisfaction that everything was as it should be.

What followed was a long diagnosis that I'd blanked out on.

I move my eyes back on the doctor once again, to the shiny badge pinned on his coat, saying 'Dr Hedner'. He has a stethoscope around his neck and glasses perched atop his hooked nose.

I'm brought back to reality when he says "And you'll have to stay here for two more days, just to keep an eye on you and make sure everything's okay."

"What?" I finally say, letting it be the first word that's fallen from my lips since I woke up. "But I - I have to get the painting done, I need to call Helene and - "

"Clementine," Mara says my name sharply and points her black eyes at me. "Doctor Hedner, can you give us a few minutes?" She asks, daring not to tear her eyes from me.

Doctor Hedner nods and clutches his clipboard close to his chest before turning and making his exit.

"I called Helene and asked if she could issue a week-long leave for you," Mara immediately says as soon as he's out of the room.

My brows raise at this. "A week? Mara, what the fuck? How could you do that? I have projects to finish!"

To be honest, finishing my projects isn't the first thing on my mind, but the prospect of having nothing to be busy about scares me. I'll have nothing to worry about, nothing to fill my time, nothing to distract me from the impending conflict which would be Luke and I.

"No, all you've been doing is working! Don't you see where you are? You're in a fucking hospital because you're a dumbass who forgot to eat and drink!" She waves her hands around in exaggerated expressions.

I stay silent. There's no argument worth to be made when what's she's saying is right.

"You're so fucking stubborn and I admire that from you sometimes," She tells me and I look down at my hands guiltily. "But what you're doing is getting in the way of you living," She shakes her head, the compassionate look in her tired, drooped eyes telling me she's just as tired as I am. "You have to stop this, get some help, call your family, I don't know."

I purse my lips before bursting out in laughter, leaning back at what she's just said.

Mara deadpans. "Are you serious right now?" She says in a blank tone. "Was the meme all you heard?"

I shake my head as I calm down. "No, no, I heard you." I sincerely look back at her, knowing she's right and that I would have to make some changes. Habits are hard to get rid of, but if you're mindful when you start to do it, you can slowly ease your way out of it. "I'll take that week break,"

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now