⁵⁴i don't know about you!

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There's nothing better than waking up with bedhead and seeing your entire family and a few friends right in front of your bed, eerily singing you happy birthday while your siblings try and light some candles on a cake.

As much as my eyes want to close and return to sleep, I will myself to sit up and squint through the dark.

Luke's holding the cake as he grins and sings; Maddie, Everett, and Michael are at the back singing and clapping out of beat while Ollie's snapping photos with Everett's new camera.

Right after they finish singing, mom switches the lights on. "Good morning, sweetheart!" She greets.

I'm still thick with morning drowsiness, only smiling and watching everyone else celebrate.

"You're super old now," Everett says from the side as he places folded up clothing in front of me. "Here's my gift, please wear it," His voice wavers nervously for a second before he clears his throat and goes to mom.

"Happy birthday, Clem," Ashton says, sitting at the edge of my bed with flushed cheeks.

Only now do I notice that he, as well as Calum, Michael, and Luke, are all in onesies.

I throw my blanket off my legs and kneel closer to the cake, blowing at it with a strong breath and relinquishing the light within two.

My mom takes the cake from Luke and starts to head out. "Breakfast's in the patio!" She calls before asking Maddie to help her. "Everyone, let's leave her to dress up,"

"Happy birthday, Clem!" Michael shouts, throwing confetti around the room as he laughs. "Twenty-two!" He sings in a silly tone.

Calum chuckles at his friend's antics. "Happy birthday, dude. Your mom's food is awesome," He tells me, holding a tissue of fries on one hand.

I look up at Luke with a smile as everyone starts to walk out of my room, but before I can say something, dad interrupts and leans forward, taking me in his arms and greeting me. "Good morning, birthday girl," He holds me and slightly sways as I sniff a hint of lavender soap on him, cold and fresh and smelling like the resort bathroom.

I hug him back, feeling the rough texture of his stubble against my jaw. "Good morning, dad," I mumble, half-yawning.

He parts before gesturing at Everett's gift. "I think Ev might've spent two months walking dogs every weekend to buy that," He remarks, narrowing his eyes at the present.

"He did?" I pout.

Dad huffs out a laugh, nodding. "I think so. He might've planned to send it to you before you said you were coming,"

I take the folded clothing into hand and spread it in front of me, a dark blue sweater with a large orange embroidery in the front revealing itself.

My heart swells at Everett's gesture, a fond smile creeping at my lips.

"I'll leave you to dress," He says, kissing the top of my head momentarily before leaving the room. "Love you," I hear him murmur.

Damn it. I gave him a damn pizza blanket for his birthday and he gives me a personalised sweater.

When I look up, Luke's waiting in front of me, slightly sleepy eyes giving a curious look at the elk head beside the bathroom door.

It's nothing short of confusing, which is why his look makes sense.

Upon the first five minutes of occupying this room, I forgot what privacy meant until I completely expelled the memory of the elk head right across my bed. Those dead, beady eyes staring right ahead gave my skin the "little crawlies", as Everett had put it.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now