Chapter 1

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Gabrielle's POV

I wake up still on top of my blanket. That's right, no bed. Just a thin blanket on the cold hard floor. I look at my door and then I notice that I forgot to lock my door. I stand up and quietly run over to the door and lock it. They could've came in over night and hurt me. Luckily they didn't. But, I cant just do that every night. I never know when they're going to do something to me.

School today? I guess. I drag myself to my dresser and pick out a light blue tank top and short black leggings. I grab my light weighted backpack and quietly make my way out of my room.

My backpack doesn't have much. I have three folders in total. That explains why I loose so much. Three folders isn't close to enough supplies for 12th grade. But, I make do with what I have, which isn't much. It took me forever to find this backpack. I wouldn't even consider it a backpack if you ask me. It's just one of those draw-string bags that people use for gym. I skip days that I have gym. I don't do sweat.

I try not to skip everyday. But, sometimes I just can't handle it. I guess we all feel like that sometimes. School shouldn't even be called that. It should just straight up be called, "Hell." Because... that's the truth. People forcing us to learn stuff that 95% of us won't even use in the future. Keeping us in one building with hundreds of other people that we would've never spoken to if school didn't exist. Making adults teach us and make us pay attention. It's all bullshit.

But sometimes, it's better than staying at my house with my "parents". Now my home... it's worse than hell. Screaming, punching, kicking, hurting. Each day I wake up fearing what weapon will be used next and who will use it. I can't remember a day that I didn't wake up with those fears. I can't even remember a day when I smiled. Not just fake smiled like when you just want someone to go away. I mean actually smiled out of pure happiness.

I tip toe out of the house. I fear that each step I take will wake my parents. I was lucky this morning. I got out of the house without being slapped or whipped. It doesn't always turn out that way though.

By the time I get to school, I already missed homeroom and first period. My feet feel like they're blistering. The secratary, Mrs. Finnegan is the only one who isn't comepletely clueless. She knows something goes on outside of school with me. I guess she's just too chicken to ask. But, she never asks why I'm late to school. She just gives me a pass and let's me go. I think it's just because of that one time.

I feel the blood rushing down my arm. My head is pounding and I hear a loud ringing in my ears. I can't even see what's in front of me. I ran away from them. I don't think they chased after me. Too bad I have no one to help me. As I run on the sidewalk in an unknown neighborhood, I spot my school secratary walking along the same sidewalk. I run faster at the sight of her. She saw the fear in my eyes, I could tell. She wanted to say something, but I didn't let her.

What if I did? Would things be different now? I doubt it. As I ran as fast as I could, I tripped. I knew I broke something but it's not like anyone could help me. Even the hospital couldn't. Trips to the hospital are money. Getting a cast is money. Talking to a fucking doctor is money. No one would pay the money because I had no one and I probably won't ever.

Mrs. Finnegan gives me a pass for my next class and then motions for me to go. I go to my second period class which is math. *Barfs* I'd rather miss math than science which is my first period class. When I walk in with my over-flowing folder, everyone stares at me. I sit in my seat in the back corner of the room.

If my teacher gives us assigned seats and I'm not in one of the back rows, I always ask to sit there instead. It's just where I can draw less attention to myself and my tight clothes. No teacher ever objects. I mean, I'm a pretty smart student, I just tend to miss school so much that I get mainly B's in every class. With the exception of gym which is always an F. Occasionally a D if I even bother to show up.



Please check out my story "Constantly" it would mean a lot!

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