If My Life Was Soap Oprea It Would Win The Award For Best Show

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"Ill do anything you want just dont leave me please i need you" I was crying and begging my boyfriend Kyle to not break up with me.He got mad because he saw me hug Desmond.

"Get off of me you slut!" He pushed me off of him and ran towards the door.

"Please ill change i promise i wont say anything or do anything wrong anymore!" I pleaded.

He started opening the door so i ran to the bathroom and got scissors and ran back in the living room.

"See ill change!" I screamed back. I started cutting my long jet black hair.

"See im changing." I said smiling.

"Your crazy, you need some help." Just like that he was gone. But im not lying i am gonna change though, i am gonna get him back if its the last thing i do.

Flashback end%%%


It has been 3 weeks since me and Kyle broke up. I lost alot of weight as well and decided to change my look. So instead of long jet black hair, i now have a short brown bob hair style. Instead of no curves, i have plenty of them. And instead of heels, i now wear chucks.

I changed for the better as my mom says. She said i used to dress like a prostitute but now i dress like i have some since. But she doesnt know what shes talking about.

Im laying down on my bed in the darkness wondering why Kyle didnt want me. I have been doing this since we broke up. The night we broke up i went crazy. Like serouisly crazy. I was trashing stuff, throwing things around, screaming and well smashing in walls.

My parents thought it was just a phase that i was going threw but their wrong.

I turned to my side and checked my phone.No texts, No miss calls. I havn't really been talking to anyone lately because i told Kyle i would change meaning, No facebook, No instagram, No Twitter, and well no friends.

I know im kinda being overly dramatic about this but i am gonna change if its the last thing i do.

*******In The Morning*****

I woke up to Chris Browns Sweet Love. It used to be me and Kyles song but since we broke up, i havn't really been listeing to it.

When our favourite part came on i started crying really hard. Its hard to get over someone you were with for 3 years and you shared your first kiss with them. Its really hard.

I ran to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and got dressed. Today i decided i wanted to dress like im sad no dpressed. Yeah dpressed.

So i wore: Black sweat pants, black chucks, black shirt that reads"I dont care what you do just dont mess with me" and dark make up.

I plan on not doing anything today in school so no backpack.

After i turned off the radio and grabbed my phone, i headed down staris to grab a fiber one bar.

"Good morning to you to" Spat back my grandmother.

"Hello top of the morning to ya." I say and walk out the door to my all black and i mean all black Camro. This car wasnt just any car. It was THE car.

I hopped in and plugged in my phone and turned on Promise by Ciara.

On the way to school i sang the lyrics and thought about the fun things me and Kyle did in the past. I almost started crying but i stopped because i was at school now.

As soon as i got out Desmond walked up.

"Hey Vicki long time heard or see." He said hugging me but i didnt hug back. I wasnt playing im changing for Kyle.

"Vicki why arent you speaking to me anymore." He said frowning. I feel bad for not talking to Desmond but it was for Kyle. I mean Desmond is my "Bestfriend"

He put his hands on my shoulders and shook me alittle.

"Victoria Nichole Neandoroff answer me now!" When ever Desmond calls me by my full name, he is dead serouis.

I gave up because i dont like seeing my bestfriend like this.

"Desmond you know i love you like a brother but im changing my ways for Kyle." I say adding alittle fake smile. Desmond couldnt stand Kyle. He always said Kyle was hurting me slowly. But Desmond failed Chemistry last year. Im not listeing to anything he has to say.

"Really Vicki your changing for that Jerk Off!" He was yelling now.

"Yes Desmond i am. Why you my ask. Is because i love Kyle ok and I know he loves me!" Now i was yelling.

"Your soo stupid Victoria that you cant see him flirting with girls in front of you! That isnt love!" He yelled back at me and his veins looked like they were about to pop out of his head.

"You know what, i dont have time for this." I got in my car and drove off back home.

If My Life Was Soap Oprea, It Would Win The Award For Best ShowWhere stories live. Discover now