Wait You Did What Now? Prt3

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"Oh hey babe i go to your school now?" Conner said hugging me tightly. I pushed him off.

"Whats wrong?" He asked as if he didnt have a clue.

"I waited all night for you to come last night where were you!" I screamed.

He scracthed the back of his neck and took a seat.

"I know you hear me Conner!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me and started talking to some girl.

I grabbed my things and walked out the class.

I dont know where ima go but i have to get away from here.

I grabbed my phone and turned on Thinking About You By Frank Ocean.

The lyrics somewhat hurt me but i like it .

A Tornado flew around my room before you came 

Exsuce the mess it made it usally doesnt rain in

Southern California Much Like Arizona..

I softly cried.  I honstly dont understand whats wrong with me. Is It because im not short and thick? Is it because im not mixed with anything?

But Do You not think so far ahead

Cause ive been thinkin bout forever

My life really isnt the perfect fairy tale to be honst.

In my freshman year was when i met Kyle. Kyle was one of those guys that told me what i wanted to hear. We broke up alot and got back together alot. But the most terrifing part is that i turned emo. 

I cut myself alday everyday. It was the only way i was happy. So when i would go to school i would wear big sweatshirts to cover up my cuts.

I decided i wanted to kill myself and live with my mother and father. I felt like i needed to be safe with them.

Yes of Course i remember how could i forget

How you feel

And though you were my first time

A new feel

It will never get old not in my soul not in my spirit keep it alive

Well go down this road till it turns from color to black and white

That part of the song made me cry even harder.

By this time i was out the doors of school.

Now where am i gonna go?

Well it is monday i could just go to Samones house.

I started walking in the direction to Samones house when i heard some soft cries.

"Uh hello?" I said down a dark alley.

"I cant live in a world where im being treated badly." The soft voice spoke. It sounded like Maria.

"Maria?" I asked as i got closer. And it was Maria.

"Maria what are you doing!" I screamed as she stood there shaking and gun to her head and tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I cant keep living in a world where im being lied on and  treated like trash. I just cant." 

She was shaking really hard right now.

I grabbed the gun from her and just held her in my arms and just rocked her.

"Its ok Maria but thats not the only way out this situation."I said stroking her hair.

She softly continued to cry on my shoulder.

"Lets go to my house to talk ok?" I told her walking out the alley.

She nodded.

It took us 15 mintues to get to my house.

"This is your house?" Maria asked as i opend my front door.

"Yeah i know right." I said locking the door and  walking up the stairs.

"Victoria is that you! Arent you supposed to be at school!"My grunchmother asked as she walked into my room.

"Yes i am ok but we im on my peroid and i dont feel good." I said lying.

She nodded and left and closed the door.

"Who was that?" Maria asked me.

"My grunchmother a.k.a grandmother." I said sitting my phone on my dresser.

"School should be out in about 45 minutes." I said looking at the time.

Maria nodded and walked into the bathroom.

"So how is your life.?" Maria asked me from the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and told her everything that has happen in my life.

It was really quite for about 10 minutes.

"Wow i didnt know your life was like that." She said sitting down on my bed next to me.

"Yeah but ima get Kyle back if its the last thing i do." I said confident. Because i knew it was true.

"But what about Conner?" She asked softly.

"I Honstly dont know about him though." As i said that the door bell rang.

I walked down stairs and to the door and opended it.

"Why are you here!!" I screamed

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