Silence and sound

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Chapter Three is here. I'm doing a ten days challenge so you'll get continuous updates of ten chapters and if I am still going on then I might even complete this book by the end of July!


"Ji Hee-ah, Saengil Chukkhae (Ji Hee, happy birthday!" Mother kissed my cheek as she passed me the seaweed soup. This soup is made for my every birthday which I spent home, it's a tradition in Korea to have seaweed soup for birthday. Something I missed a lot every birthday.

Snow was layering softly over South Korea on the morning of Christmas eve. I sat along with my parents and my brother to eat my birthday breakfast and of course, Christmas special food items.

At this time, for the last five years, I spent it together with Chance and Mitch as May usually leaves to see her parents. I spent the holidays at their apartment, helping them with decorations and cooking. Mitch is a good cook but Chance would burn water even.

If the situation was the same, three of us would be binge watching Korean dramas, cuddled up on the couch. Chance claimed it everytime that he hates binge watching Korean dramas with two crazy people (Mitch and I) but we know he secretly loves them.

I smiled at my mother, "Thank you, mom."

"You aren't going to open the gifts?" Ji Hun asked as he gobbled down the rice hurriedly, clamining he's going out with his friends. So much for missing me, he isn't even planning to stay with me on my birthday!

I shrugged, "I will, later."

A comfortable silence fell as we smiled at each other and ate the breakfast. It finally felt like I was at home, four of us  eating the breakfast eating together after years.

The silence however didn't last long when my father looked at me and said, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

I titled my head to the side, "For?"

"You're in perfect age for marriage, love, so I was asking if you had someone in mind. If you do, that's amazing, if you don't, it's also amazing-"

"Dad!" I whined playfully, trying my best not to let them hear the cracks in my voice. I know I'm going to cry but I promised myself that I wouldn't cry over him again, not on my birthday at least. And like any Asian father, my dad is at the part of life where they rush in the wedding of their daughters.

He chuckled, "Ji Hee-ah, you know that we talked about this. That you'll get married once you're back home."

I grimaced as I remembered the promise I gave to my father. How could I even forget that? I put my face in my hands as I remembered that moment.

"Dad? You called for me?" My twenty year old self approached my father who was on his bed, reading some book.

He smiled at me and patted the bed next to him. I smiled back as I sat across him on the edge of the bed. My father and I are close enough to know or predict what one of us is going to talk about.

My senses are tingling that it is about me marrying because I officially turned twenty last month. My friends are complaining that their dads started annoying them with the questions about their dating life and marriage.

It's way too early to even think about it. Too early when I am still studying in college.

"Dad, if it's about my dating life, I'm still single and not really ready to mingle!" I pouted at him.

He rolled his eyes, "I know that you are single, love, it's written all your face that you're single."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't even think I'm going to be dating with this face you two gave me!"

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