After Us- Epilogue

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The story has finally come to an end. I could keep writing about them but you know that isn't how a story works. We gotta end it somewhere.

Thank you for being patient with me and reading my story to the last.

"Are you seriously going to keep doing this?" I asked, exasperating at the mess Chance made.

He didn't bother looking up from his laptop, papers all around him, in a mess. I heaved a sigh and walked out of the room with a frown etched on my face. Chance is literally burying himself in work and I don't like it one bit.

But that only reminded me of the pending work I had to do. Even thinking about work gives me a horrible headache. Maybe this is why everyone wanted to stay forever young. Because as we grow up, our responsibilities do too and being an adult isn't an easy thing.

I was killing the keys of the keyboard of my laptop when Mi Hyun came to me. She looked at me with a frown, "Mom, can you help me with Math homework?"

And that's when I knew being a parent is even harder when you're as dumb as your teenage self. I took her book in my hand and tried to read the question and tried to understand it. It was basic Math and easy so I sighed in relief. This would get harder when she grows up and the Math gets difficult.

I put my laptop aside on the couch and turned to explain how to solve the sum. She nodded her head as she listened to me. Mi Hyun was already nine, I couldn't believe it at all. I have been growing old but in my heart, I'm still that girl who would want to wake up tp her mother's cooking and her sibling's banters.

I took and placed the laptop on my lap again when my phone started ringing. I sighed as I answered the call but however a smile etched on my face as Mitch spoke.

"Hey, Jiji,"

"Hello, Chichi," The look Mi Hyun gave me as she passed by made me chuckle. Sometimes I totally forget that years have gone by. A woman in her mid thirties calling someone with a weird, childish nickname would be weirder.

"We're going to visit you soon-"

His voice was cut off by May screaming, "I am coming to Korea again, you better show me everything this time!"

The smile on my face grew, "Is it for real?"

Because the last time they came here was for my wedding. I missed them so damn much. We do keep video calling and all but nothing is the same as it would be as meeting.

"Yes, don't tell Chance though, we want to surprise him." He said.

"Okay? How are Sydney and Samuel?" I asked about their twins.

May answered this time, "They're doing just as fine, causing trouble here and there. You know that they took after Mitch."

I chuckled as I heard Mitch whine. "Been like years and you both are still acting as if you're in your twenties."

"As if you aren't," Mitch scoffed.

"Trust me, I feel older than ever, thanks to your friend. Swear to God, Chance forgot about me because of his work. He doesn't pay attention to me anymore, it feels like we are indeed adults now who have no time for sweet nothings." I frowned.

May heaved a sigh, "Same, looking after the twins and doing work, it gives us no time to be all mushy."

"I can't even imagine Mitch being an adult, you know?" I laughed at the thought even.

Mitch whined like a kid that he is, "You're just jealous that my personality is just bright."

And we bickered, the three of us before hanging up when they heard Sydney crying. Sydney and Samuel are five, the youngest kids in our friends' children. Samuel looks like Mitch but has May's calm personality whereas Sydney looks like May but has Mitch's bright personality. The kids are adorable and I would love to meet them.

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