Marriage isn't an ending

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This is to all the couples who fight their way to spend time together!

And I don't really understand why most people think marrying the person they love is the end of the story. As if that's the happy ever they know. Happy endings, not many see it and not many know it so here's a happy middle from my side.

"Mi Hyun-ah, where are you?" I was done searching for my daughter. Mi Hyun loves running here and there and disappearing to trouble us. For a five year old, she's a lot more trouble than others.

"Here!" She called out from the living room. There she was, sitting in front of the TV with her snacks all over the floor. She is a messy child but then all children are that way.

"It's your bath time, come here," I tried to get a hold of her but then she ran away. She's such a cat, trust me. She runs away at the thought of water.

However, she ran straight into Chance's arms, who came home with a tired face. His blonde hair was a mess, shirt was crumpled and he looked very tired. I sighed as I got a hold of my daughter.

After forcing her to take a bath and changing clothes, I put her to sleep. It wasn't an easy thing, I had to read her three bedtime stories. Whoever said being a mother was easy- okay, maybe no one would've said it but it's way harder than it looked. I could bet that I was a pretty decent child in my childhood times.

I went back to check up on Chance who was fast asleep on the couch. He didn't even bother to change. I shook my head at him as I removed his shoes, tie and glasses.

I shook him by the shoulders, "Get up and sleep on the bed, you ass."

"One way to address your husband who works his ass off," He muttered.

I rolled my eyes at his words. "I work and take care of the house. Why don't we exchange our lives for a day, eh?"

That was true. I have to wake up early, send Mi Hyun to school. I had to cook breakfast for my daughter so eating in the car didn't work for us anymore. And we work for hours before picking up Mi Hyun from my parent's house. You'd think coming home after work is a relief, but the day never ends for wives and mothers.

I have to take care of Mi Hyun, bathe her, make her eat her dinner and put her to sleep. My friends call in between and I have to catch up with them. Take care of Chance's tired self once he is home.

And they were just main activities. No one mentions the cleaning, the cooking and what not. Nothing was easy. I grew up so pampered with my parents not letting me work at all. I was a carefree child and a reckless teenager before I became a stressed adult with her own family to look after.

Chance looked up, opening his eyes. "No, I don't want that. But I want to, at the same time. You must be so tired."

I smiled, "It is tiring, but knowing that I'm taking care of my loving husband and my cute daughter, that makes it tolerable."

"We made it, didn't we? We are finally husband and wife, we have a beautiful daughter. We are having a beautiful middle, aren't we?" He asked.

I nodded, "The best middle."

It was a middle, of course. Happy endings weren't saying "I do" in the weddings, it never ended there. Marriage is a start of the relationship, if I'm being honest.

Anyone can be in a relationship, work time for each other and all that. But after a permanent label stuck on us, the responsibilities grow. I don't know if lovers really have as much as responsibilities before marrying each other. Living with each other brings out the reality, to see if we loved the right person and if we can love them the same.

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