Butterflies and peace

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I think I'd do double update today. I'm going to complete this book real soon.

Waking upto his cologne, morning kisses and having him hanging on my heart every minute of the day felt like heaven. There were days when I almost didn't want it, because I was scared that love hurts. But when love does hurt, sometimes it's worth it.

When I was in highschool, I used to be jealous of my parents' love for each other. I was determined to be with someone and my kids would take us as an inspiration instead of old love stories. If I couldn't find that, I didn't want love. That was that, when I was moving on, I felt like fairytales are something only for bedtime stories.

Chance however proved me wrong every single chance he gets. He made me feel secured, safe and loved whenever I'm in his arms. Maybe that's why I was scared when I was moving on. Because I might never find any pair of arms holding me like that. I was scared to not feel the same with someone else.

I was scared to lose him.

I couldn't accept that what we had was fake when I left America.

However, he came and assured me that I never had to believe it in the first place. That what we had was indeed something not all can have. That what we have now is twice as special than what we had. We understand each other better now, and I never let him feel sad again.

"You awake?" Chance's tired voice stopped my thoughts. His voice made my heart skip a beat. I loved hearing his sleepy, tired voice the first thing in the morning. It's my favourite melody, the way he speaks alone was enough to make me go crazy.

I turned to face him and observed him for a moment. His blonde hair was a mess but it made him look more ethereal. His eyelashes flirting with the apples of cheeks, his eyes closed made him look like an angel. But if he opens them, he might dissolve me in a blue sky. His chest was heaving in rhythmic breathing, inviting me to snuggle in. So I did.

I rolled to his side and he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest. "I am, can we stay like this all day?"

"We could but we have dinner plans with your family." He reminded me.

I nodded, "We can always go late. I mean, weekends come only once a week."

"And yet they don't show mercy on us," He sighed, "My company literally makes us work like sheep."

"At least you have more employees, my company has less and we get more work," I groaned at the thought of going to work tomorrow. Sunday is the most bittersweet day of the week, as it fades away into Monday, it makes me lazier.

Chance kissed my cheek, "I'm here, we are going to work together when home."

"That's the point, I don't want to work when I'm with you!" I pouted.

He wiggled his brows in a suggesting manner, "Then?"

"I just want to cuddle you, you idiot!" I smacked his chest.

He burst out in chuckles. "You are so cute."

"And you are so dirty."

"Let's shower together then," He batted his eyes innocently.

My cheeks flushed, "Can you not make our conversations dirty for once?"

"I can't."

"Honestly, honesty isn't the best coming out of your mouth," I grumbled.

He rolled his eyes, "Do you want me to lie then?"


"Girls are hard to read," He groaned.

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