Stars on the sky

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Fourth chapter as promised for continuing the second day of the challenge!

New Years eve was already knocking on the door before I bid a bye to the memories and people I left behind in the last year. I didn't even know how the time slipped by as I reunited with my dorky friends, they kept me company and we had nightovers at each other's houses for three continuous days and the next thing we know, we had to help our mothers for preparing for New Year's eve.

I was helping my mother with cleaning because I don't like to do the kitchen work. Ji Hun being the brat that he is, used friends as an excuse to escape helping in the chores. Dad was going back and forth to the stores to get groceries, stuff we need and what not. Everything felt so stuffy that I didn't notice how the time ticked by until it was already a hour for midnight, the start of the new year.

I was on conference call with So Mi, Ah Rin and May. The girls always got along well but this time they became best friends and decided to tease me saying that they are going to forget me. However I know only one person did that successfully, Chance Wilson.

I didn't even want to stumble over his thoughts but without knowing, I kept myself lingering in his thoughts, our memories, something about 'us', a nostalgic feeling.

Nostalgia is a bad relative who comes every once in a while to say that what we had lost over time is more valuable than what we have now. It convinces that even the bitter memories are somehow once sweet and messes up our mind.

"What are your new year resolutions this year, girls?" May asked through the screen of my skype call with these three idiots I call as my best friends.

I thought about it but shook my head, "I think I'm just going to move on."

"I think I'm going to stop wasting money on new clothes," Ah Rin said almost hesitantly and we three chuckled at her answer. She says it every other year but ends up buying more clothes. And her excuse is that she can only wear them when she's fit and in good shape which all of us agree on. Instead of buying new clothes, So Mi and I burrow- okay, we steal them from her. Because wasting so much money on clothes is unacceptable even for someone who loves clothes like me.

"You say that every year!" So Mi grinned.

"What's yours then? To stop eating like a pig? Bet you can't do that either!" Ah Rin snorted.

So Mi scowled, "I am still in a better shape than you all are!"

"You wish!" Ah Rin, May and I exclaimed at once. So Mi actually did have a good shape, Ah Rin had a beauty that no one can match to, I'm simply cute. They call me the prettiest but it's just my face, I don't really have those curves like Ah Rin or a lean body like So Mi. I still can't understand how she doesn't gain weight when she eats more than all of us. May has a cool girl charm, she is emo and kinda not like like the rest of us but her beauty is a given.

"What's yours, May?" I asked.

"Maybe stop being addicted to Korean dramas and cup noodles? I don't know, it will be so boring without you, I miss you so much already!" May pouted.

I grinned at her, "Come live with us here!"

"I would if I can," She winked.

"We could then have good nightovers and girls days out!" Ah Rin exclaimed.

"Yeah!" So Mi and I exclaimed in unison.

Our talks went on and soon we three had to hang up and go offline to celebrate the new year with our respective families. I arranged the cake that dad bought earlier on the dining table. Ji Hun was already watching it with a hand going towards it, I had to slap it several times.

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