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Mingrui's POV.

I was in shock. How did he know I was here?

"How did he know I was here, though?" I asked Zihao ge.

"Actually, we wanted to spill some blood today and we were figuring if you'd like to do it for us?" He said all with a smile.

"Maybe Zeyu ge was right. You kinda are a psychopath." I roll my eyes and we heard groaning coming from the side of the room.

"Where the fuck am I?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Hell." I said and my grip on the silver brass knuckle tightened.

"What the-" Before I let him finish, I threw a punch at the left side of his sagging face.

His cheek may have been red but like Qi ge said, we wanted to spill some blood.

They watched as I hit him with various weapons.

Then came the guns.

I grabbed the pistol from the counter and loaded it with bullet.

"Good night, creep." I smiled and pulled the trigger.

Boystory. A gang full psychotic of children.

'Wasn't our fault that they made us do it.

I Got To War With My Family | Boystory gang auWhere stories live. Discover now