What's Your Name?

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You know what really grinds my gears?

When people use the most stupidest and random ways to have characters introduce themselves to one another.

"Oh! Sorry for bumping into you. What's your name?"


"Thanks for your help! By the way what's your name?"

Are the most popular examples of stupid introductions.

If I were to bump into someone I'd apologize and move on. NOT ASK FOR THEIR NAME LIKE A FUCKING WEIRDO! Seriously, who bumps into someone and then asks for their name, as if they're gonna need their information for some kind of insurance company or something!

Same thing if someone helps me with something. I'd thank them and move on, I don't need their fucking name!

There are genuinely so many ways to have characters meet each other naturally or at least in ways where I don't cringe. Like maybe have a character they both know introduce them to each other, or maybe have them meet repeatedly and then they finally introduce themselves formally.

But instead I get things like

But instead I get things like

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