3 Months

770 17 0

The service for your mom was beautiful. So many people showed up and you knew your mom was loved. Even though it was a sad day, it was somehow filled with lots of joy, people reminiscing of the times they had with your mom brought you happiness knowing she wasn't going to be remembered as the sickly woman she was at the end. She would be remembered as the kind hearted, spontaneous, and funny woman everybody grew to love.

"Hey (your name), can we talk in private please?" You hear behind you.
When you turn around you see the familiar face of Cam's dad behind you.
"Hey Mr. Miller. Of course." You say hugging him and going out to the garden.
"So I have a surprise for you." He says pulling his phone from behind his back.

You instantly fall into the chair and have tears flowing down your face.

"Hey butthead." Says the familiar smiling face on the screen.
You cover your mouth to stop the sobs from coming out and push a smile onto your face.
"Hey Bubba." You finally say, tears still flowing.
"How you doing?" Cam asks you.
"Oh, you know, as best as I can." You say propping the phone on the vase at the table.
"I wish I could be there." He says to you as you see a tear roll down his cheek.
"It's alright, you got a job to do." You say smiling.
"Although I could really use a big Cameron hug right about now." You say letting out a chuckle.
"I missed that laugh." He says cracking a smile. Even over the screen his smile and voice brings your comfort.

You guys talk for a short time before you tell him that you'll hear from him shortly.
"I miss you so much Cam, I love you." You tell him.
"I love you too butthead." He says before you hand the phone back to his dad and wipe your tears away.

After his dad hangs up the phone he comes over and hugs you.
"Thank you." you tell him leaving a wet spot on his light purple shirt.
"That's the only thing I could think you really needed at this time, I know you miss him and I just figured seeing his face and hearing his voice would help in this time." He says holding his hands on your shoulders.
"That's exactly what I needed. So thank you. Again." You tell him giving him another hug.
"Any time sweetie, you're like the daughter I never had, and your family and you were there for us in our time of need, so just remember I'm here for you."
"Thank you Mr. Miller." You say.

The rest of the day is spent making rounds and saying thank you to everybody for coming and cleaning up after everybody is done. When you get home you shower and go right to bed.

The next few months are a blur. Between everybody constantly checking on you, trying to take care of bills, and everything else entailed with the passing of a loved one you lost track of time and taking care of yourself properly.

Lex came over to see how you were doing and noticed you've lost a bit of weight, which the stress is to blame. But she tells you to eat and shoves a piece of pizza in your face. You eat the pizza and feel a little better. You talk to her about how you've been doing and tell her sorry for ignoring her so much. She understands and doesn't hold a grudge.

"So I've been thinking-" you say to her.
"Oh god." She says laughing.
"Oh shut up." You say laughing with her. It felt good to laugh again.
"No really, I've been thinking." You say again.
"Okay? About what?" She questions.
"3 months, in 3 months I say we go to LA and start a new life like you said." You say to her.
"Wait, really?" She asks with a surprised tone.
"Yeah, I mean you're right, I do need to be more spontaneous. And I think it's what mom would've wanted for me." You tell her welling up and smiling.
"Okay. Alright! 3 months. Let's do it!" Lex says jumping up and hugging you.

You guys talk about what it'll be like and start to look at apartments just outside of the city and start comparing prices to quality. You can't believe you're really getting ready to pack up your life here and start a new one on the west coast with your best friend.

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