See You Soon

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The next few months following were spent spending as much time with Dayne as you possibly could. He signed for another deployment and leaves next week.

"I'm going to miss you so much." You tell him.
"Me too." He says resting his arms over your shoulders.
You guys are sitting on the beach watching the sun set into the horizon and the waves crashing to the shore.
"What am I supposed to do when you're gone?" You ask him looking up from in front of him.
"Well, you could always write me. And not move this time so we don't loose contact again." He says chuckling.
"Wow! That wasn't my fault." You say waving your hand behind your head trying to hit him playfully.
"Hey hey! Quit it." He says laughing and wrapping his arms around you.

You stare into each other eyes and you lean up to kiss him.
When you pull away you run into the water looking back to see him pulling off his shirt and following you.
You splash each other, pull each other under, and spend one of the last nights you have together doing what you guys do best; making each other laugh and acting like teenagers.

The day has come to say goodbye, he's all packed up and ready to go. You ride to the airport with him knowing that with his job this could be the last time you see him in person, smell him, feel his embrace, and taste his lips.

You arrive at the airport and you're walking through the airport. When you arrive at his departure gate you finally speak.
"I guess this is goodbye." You say tears flowing down your face.
"No, it's not. It's see you later." He says smiling and pulling you into him.
"You don't know that, what if-" he cutes you off before you can finish.
"There's so many what if's in the world, I'll be home soon. I promise." He says lifting your head to look at you.
You wipe your tears away and nod your head. "Okay. I'll see you soon."
You give him one last kiss and watch as the person who stole your heart walks through the gate to his flight.

You go to the viewing area and watch his plane lift into the air. You feel the tears running down your cheeks and whisper and soft "I love you solider" before turning from the window and walking away, holding the ring hanging around your neck.

Dayne's POV
When I get to the gate I peek to the side and see her walking away. I know me leaving is hurting her, but it hurts me too. Watching her cry because she doesn't know if she will ever see me again kills me. I know there's always that risk, it's part of being in the service.
I board the plane and get to my seat. I made sure I got a window seat, I like the view from the air. I put my headphones in and turn on the playlist I made that reminds me of her. I've heard the same spiel a million times with all the flying I've done so I don't listen to it anymore.
The plane lifts into the air and I look into the windows of the airport, I know she's standing at one of them but I can't see enough to know exactly what one. Before the building goes out of sight I whispered a soft "I love you babygirl.". The building disappears and I lean my head back on the seat, hoping this tour is over quicker than it came.

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