Call From Home

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The next few weeks are incredible. Dayne has been so sweet, he surprises you with flowers, coffee, he picks you up from work if you don't have a ride, he's doing everything right. You guys have spent every free moment you have together. Lex joins you guys for lunch at times, or all three of you go to the beach. It's been like something out of a movie. Cute little outings, ice cream being put on your nose, sweet little kisses here and there, he sleeps over occasionally.
You and Dayne are laying on the couch when your phone rings.

Incoming Call: Cam💙

You look at the screen and your heart flutters. You haven't heard from Cam since your mom's service, other than the couple letters that came after, but they were always short and too the point.
You look at Dayne and he nods. He gets off the bed and walks out of the room.

"Hey Bubba!" You say into the phone.
"Hey Butthead, what's up?" His voice crackling in the phone.
"Oh not much, living the LA dream." You say laughing.
"Right, right, hey listen, I'm actually calling to ask you something." He says slowly.
"Anything, you know that." You say a little worried.
"I want to see you, and so does my dad and your aunt, think you can come home for a weekend?" He asks.
"Uhh- Yeah I could do that. I have this weekend off, I can buy a ticket and be there then."
"Great! I can't wait!" He says excitedly.
"Is that all you wanted?" You ask laughing.
"Yeah that's it." He says laughing back.
"Alright." You say.
"I'll see you soon." He says and you can hear the smile in his voice.
"I'll see you soon." You say back.
"And hey-" he says before you hang up.
"Yeah?" You ask.
"I love you butthead."
It's different hearing him say the words rather than reading them, you've always said you've loved each other but it sounded different this time.
"I love you too Bubba." You say before you hang up the phone.

You walk out of the bedroom, look at Dayne and smile.
"Everything okay with Cameron?" He asks.
"Yeah- yeah everything is fine. I'm going home this weekend." You tell him.
"Really?" Lex yells from the kitchen.

You walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. You tell Lex and Dayne about the plan to go home this weekend. They both support it and are happy you're going to see your family after a while. You guys finish the night watching movies snd hanging out.

Today's the day you go home for the weekend. The tone in Cam's voice is the only thing you hear. Why did he sound like he had a reason for you coming home. Your mind jumps to something bad happened to somebody you love, but you feel like he would've told you to come that moment and to plan on staying for a while.
You're packing the last few things into your suitcase, and Dayne drives you to the airport. The energy on the car ride there is immaculate! You guys are singing, dancing, being yourselves.
He walks you to the gate and gives you a big hug and kiss before you board the plane. You walk down the isle and to your seat. You put your headphones in and wait for take off. The plane glides into the air and you're on your way home.

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