The Last Letter

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Even with everything going on you've still managed to keep in touch with Dayne and Cam. They're both still doing good, but you and Dayne are really starting to click. You've started spraying the letters you send him with your perfume, sometime you'll throw in a little confetti for a little extra surprise. You sent him a book and you guys have been reading it together sending quotes from it in each letter to each other. He sent you a photo of himself so you could put a face with a name and you did the same. You look forward to getting his letters, you check the mail daily knowing it's about a two week wait for each letter. And today should be the day it comes.
When you go to mailbox you shriek with joy when you go through all the envelopes. There's your letter from Cam, and a letter from Dayne. You run inside, drop the rest of the mail on the counter and rush to your half packed bedroom. You open Cam's letter first, read it, and put it aside. Then you open Dayne's.

Dear (Your Name),
Your letters make my time here less agonizing. And between letters,
I look at the photo you sent me. Your eyes are so beautiful, I hope to
see them in person someday. And your smile could brighten even the
darkest of nights. I could pick them both out of a crowded room.
I hope things are getting better for you. You leave for LA in less than
a month now! Don't forget about me! Kidding. I'm so happy you're
doing something to make yourself happy! Maybe when I get home I
can take a trip out there and meet you. Who knows, maybe I'll end up
out there anyways!
I'll hear from you soon!

You smile at the letter, he is so sweet. You grab you pen and paper and start to write both the boys back. When you're done, you seal them up and put them on the fridge for the next time you go out.

It's been a few weeks since you've sent the last set of letters to the boys. You got more today and followed the same routine, open, read, write back, seal, send out.
You've been pretty busy these past few weeks packing all your stuff up and making sure your aunt is going to be okay when you're gone. You leave for LA in the morning and it feels so surreal. You never thought you'd be leaving your childhood home this way. But then again, you never imagined your life the way it is and how it's been either.
You take a shower and pack the rest of your things before going to bed. Lex said she would be at the house with the moving truck at 9 so they can get a decent start before you guys get on your flight. The land lord for the apartment is out of town for an extra day so you're meeting with her husband to get the keys and everything. Everything is taken care of and ready, even if you are still nervous. You know things will be fine, it's just the matter of it being a new place.
You lay your head down on your pillow and close your eyes. Your mind starts to slow down and you slowly feel yourself drifting into sleep.

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