Stranger At The Club

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It's 6:00 on a Friday and you and Lex are sitting in your living room binge watching Grey's Anatomy for the 5th time.
"We are so lame!" You yell while throwing a piece of popcorn at her.
"Woah! What was that for?!" She yell back.
"We need to do something we haven't gone out in weeks!" You exclaim.
"Has it really been that long?" She asks.
"Yes, all we do is work and watch Netflix. I thought coming to LA was supposed to be a new beginning. Not doing what we did back home in an expensive apartment in a big city?" You laugh.
"You're right. Let's go out!" She said jumping to her feet.
"A costumer told me about this night club, Lure I think is the name. Said I should check it out. Wanna go?" You tell her.
"Sure, I obviously have to get ready first."
"No, were going looking like this!" You laugh.
She throws a pillow at you and walks to her bedroom. You follow her lead and get ready.

When Lex walks out she's in a tight black skirt with a red crop top and a pair of red heels. Her hair is curled and her make up is flawless.
You went for the more casual look deciding on, a pair of ripped up light skinny jeans, a black crop top, and your best pair of vans. You straightened your hair and put half of it up in a bun and added some bling filled pins to add some texture to it, and the most outstanding thing about your makeup is you decided to wear your red lipstick.
Lex always goes all out when she's having a night on the town, you on the other hand were never one to do all the fancy stuff. You're simple, but elegant.

Lex calls an Uber and you guys are off to the club.
When you get in the place is already filling up. People are everywhere, dancing, kissing on each other, drinking. The DJ is playing the latest hits and fist pumping in the air. Lex drags you to the bar and get you both a drink, she then drags you to the dance floor and your fun begins.
You've been dancing for hours and sipping your drinks. You're having the time of your life.
"I need another drink! I'll be right back!" You yell to Lex over the music.
She throws you a thumbs up and proceeds to dance on the guy behind her.
When you get to the bar you order your drink and wait.
You hear a strange voice behind you,
"(Your Name)?" The voice said.
When you turn around the man standing in front of you is somebody you've never met, but he was far from a stranger.
"Dayne?!" You eyes for wide and your jaw drops.
"Wha- What are you doing here?" You say as the bartender hands you your drink.
"I got in 2 weeks ago, I moved here with a couple of buddies." He says smiling.
The bartender hands him his drink and he motions his head towards the lounge area of the club, you give him a smile of acceptance and follow him.
When you guys sit down he's staring at you. You can't help but get lost in his eyes, admire his jawline, and fall in love with his perfect smile.
"I can't believe it's really you." You tell him. You want to touch him but refrain from doing so.
"I told you I could pick those eyes and smile out of a crowded room." He says smiling and licking his lips.
"Wow." That's the only thing that comes out of your mouth.
"So why didn't you write me again?" He asks this time moving a little closer.
"Well, my friend and I moved out here and I had some boxes get damaged in the move and I was stupid and didn't look through them before just tossing them so all of the letter from you and Cam are gone, and for some reason I haven't gotten any letters forwarded from home."
"Oh, makes sense now. I thought I said something in my last letter that upset you, but then Cam wasn't getting letters either and he started to worry, like a lot."
"I never gave his dad the new address, I should've and this never would have happened." You say shaking your head.
"Don't worry about it, he comes home next week I'm sure he will get ahold of you." Dayne says to you this time putting his hand on your leg.

You guys get lost in conversation and hear the DJ announcing last call.
"Oh my, Lex." You say as you stand up.
"Wait, can I see you again?" Dayne says standing up after you.
You just now realize how tall he is compared to you. You're barely 5'3" and he stands about a foot taller it seems like.
"I'd like that." You say nodding your head and smiling.
"Well now should I get ahold of you?" He asks smirking,
You grab a pen off the table in front of you and grab his hand. He looks you up and down and smiles.
You write your number on his hand, let it go, and walk away.
You turn back to look at him and see him on his phone.

New message unknown
Your phone goes off and you pull it out of your back pocket.

I'm glad I finally got to see that bright smile
and those beautiful eyes in person. The
picture doesn't do you justice. 😍

You can't help but smile at the message.

I could say the same about you. 🥰

You find Lex and you guys head home.
Lex stumbles through the door and into her room, you pick up her clothing behind her and get her tucked nicely into bed and leave a glass of water with Tylenol on her nightstand.
You get yourself into pajamas, plug your phone in and finally lay your head down.
While drifting off to sleep you can't help but think of Dayne, how perfect he is, how if you wouldn't have gone out tonight you may have never seen him, how maybe, just maybe, the soldier you started writing months ago and made you so happy, could turn out to be the man your momma always dreamed of you meeting.

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