Chapter 1

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Date: Saturday 30th January 1971

I wake up to check the time the clock reads 5:59 a few seconds later the alarm goes off. I race over to my older sister's side of the room, I jump on Petunia's bed she groans and says "5 more minutes Daisy, go and wake up Lily, it's her birthday too." With that I raced out of the room and into Lily's room. She is already awake and dressed and putting her flaming red hair up into a messy bun. She laughs at me when I walk into her room and I jokingly reply with "what's so funny?" she replies with "Daisy, you look like you slept with the cows!" which is possible, I've actually done it before, by accident of course! I walk into the living room and flop onto the couch. My dog jumps onto me and is so excited to see me like it's only been 7 hours so that's 420 minutes. Just then mum walks in and says "Daisy, did you sleep with the cows again!?" I have a great ability of being able to put sentences together and reply "WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT! It's only happened like what 4 times!" I know that's wrong. It's happened literally 20 times this year and it's only JANUARY! I seem to end up either accidentally falling asleep with the cows or end up there at some point in the night. Me, Lily and Mum wait until the others get here. Dad comes out 5 minutes later because he has just had a shower. "I'll go and get 'Tuney." Lily faces off to get here from my room but I know that she won't be there because if I know Petunia (which I do, well I know her better than Lily) she would be in the old treehouse that we found in the park down the road it actually was built for me and Petunia but grandpa passed before he got to show us but we found out about it and got a handyman to check if its' stable enough to go in and he said and I quote "it's the most stable treehouse I've seen in my time, whoever built it knows their stuff about building" which makes sense because grandpa was a builder himself. I said to mum and dad "I know where 'Tuney will actually be, so I'll go and get her!" with that I raced out into the park but Lily spotted me and followed me.

I got to the treehouse and I could see Petunia moving in the treehouse and I shouted to her "Petunia, you're going to miss the presents, or do you want to stay up there and I come to you with the presents?" I just got a note thrown down to me that read 'Daisy, look behind you at the bush 3 o'clock. LILY FOLLOWED YOU SHE NOW KNOWS ABOUT OUR TREEHOUSE!' I spin around so fast that I'm surprised that my head didn't come off. I see a wave of red behind the bush "Lily, can you not tell anyone about this, it's really special to me and 'Tuney, Grandpa built it for me and 'Tuney we found it 2 years ago-" Lily cuts me off and screams "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT IT THEN I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO KNOW ABOUT IT-" she would have kept on yelling if Petunia hadn't climbed down and said "Lily, we would have told you but we didn't think you would have liked it, plus you tell mum and dad everything." Lily looked shocked and ran to the treehouse and up the ladder we rushed up after her and she pulled the ladder up after her and Petunia made it up but I fell from about halfway but managed to poof a mattress to break my fall it worked but I still broke my left arm which is lucky because I write with my right hand. The reason that I can just magic a mattress from thin air, I HAVE NO IDEA WHATSOEVER!! Lily can do it too. 'Tuney raced down the ladder and Lily followed after 'Tuney.

Lily wouldn't stop sobbing. It got so annoying I screamed in her face "LISTEN I KNOW YOUR SORRY YOU'VE SAID THAT NON STOP! IT'S REALLY NOT HELPING THE FACT THAT MY ARM IS PROBABLY BROKEN OKAY!" She stopped sobbing after that it wasn't even hurting when we got home, though it was broken mum fixed it up at home, mum is a nurse, dad's a builder, it has happened before, be or Petunia breaking our arms with something to do with the treehouse but we always seem to divert the fact of the treehouse but Lily being Lily, she blurted it right out. Dad was not impressed but Mum was smirking and said "how did you find out about it in the first place?" "We found a ladder hanging down saying to 'Daisy and Petunia Evans' " "well dad," by 'dad' she meant Grandpa cause he was her dad "told me about the tree house in the hospital just before he died, also how did you pay for that handyman? I put the money in your purse Petunia" we got to keep the tree house to just me and 'Tuney. Lily didn't even want the treehouse!

Later that day a very large man came to the house he introduced himself as "Hagrid the game-keeper of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry" he told me and Lily that we were witches which now makes sense and told us that we would be going to the school with one of the most brilliant headmaster Albus Dumbledore. We were so excited! He told us that we weren't allowed to do magic outside of school once we got our wands.

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