Chapter 7

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Date: Saturday 27th November 1971

The last month has been well if I'm honest, boring. The others still don't know what I'm doing for Remus, we plan on telling them when I can successfully transform. I keep my family back home up to date on everything and McGonagall and Dumbledore are keeping the ministry posted. The most fun part about it is that I am getting to know McGonagall a lot better and she loves to talk about when she played Qudditch and she loves to talk all about Quidditch and I love to listen and learn. Me, James and Sirius have all decided to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team next year. Sirius and myself are going for the beaters positions, they have a bat and whack a metal ball called a Bludger and James is going for the Chaser, they throw a leather ball named the Quaffle around and score points. There is also another position, the keeper, they try and stop the other teams' chasers from scoring.

Sorry that this is so short.

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