Chapter 10

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Date: Wednesday 5th January 1972

Today I was up at 5:45, I go to the balcony and stare as the sun rises. It's very calming and soothing. All I hear is some soft snores coming from James and Peter. I turn my head around so quickly I'm pretty surprised that my head didn't come off. Remus has raced over to Sirius who is on the floor, he had just fallen out of bed and he had fallen asleep again, classic Sirius.

Remus comes wandering out to the balcony. "Are you excited for today Daisy?" He basically whispers to me because his voice is so horse. "A bit excited and a bit nervous. So overall yeah I'm excited." I squeaked back with a grin on my face. We walked back into the room and got changed. Then we had the job of waking up the boys. I snuck behind James with two pillows and hit him over the head five times. "What the hell!" James screeched as he sat up like a bullet. I ran away and the boys chased me around the room. When we got puffed out we sat down and decided to get ready for the school day.

It was around 8pm so I thought that I might head down to the common room and collect Remus. As I was walking down I bumped into Lily, she was furious, "Where are you going? Your not allowed out at this time!" She yelled and pointed at my bag. "Again, if you must know I am going to extension transfiguration." I said as calmly as I could, I walked past her and went over to where Remus was sitting and tapped him on the shoulder. "You ready?" I whispered to him. "Yeah" he replied happily and enthusiastic. Remus was allowed to come this time because this was the full transformation Lesson. We walked briskly to professor McGonagall's office and then a Slytherin prefect came up "Shouldn't you two be in bed?" He asked with a sneer. Just then like a miracle Dumbledore came up to enter "ah miss Evans, mr Lupin, you've arrived just in time-" he was cut off by the prefect "Professor, these two students are out of their common rooms, I was just about to give them a detention-" he was cut off by Dumbledore "no need for that Lucius, their with me now off you pop" Lucius spun on his heel and his long blond hair swished behind him. Dumbledore turned to me and Remus, let's go in shall we?" He turned the nob on the door and pushed it open "ah just in time! I was just getting worried" after that we settled down and did the meditation, stretching and a little bit of revision on the theory on how to turn into an animal.

When the time came to transform, I was nervous what if I can't do it? What if I've gotten Remus's hopes up and it doesn't work? Thoughts were rushing through my mind, and they weren't positive thoughts either. I had to relax I thought. I apparently did it quite well, the transforming, I did it on my first try. When I transformed back into my human self Remus raced up and hugged me, tears rolling down his face "thank you for doing this for me!" "I would do it again in a heart beat" I whispered to him. I turned to the professors "well I think that you two need to come back here tomorrow night and then we shall show the ministry official" McGonagall spoke "but for now go back to your dorm and I shall see you in class" me and Remus raced to the dorm and crept up the stairs and into the dorm. We changed quickly and we both fell out like a light.

Date: Thursday 6th January 1972
The next day I woke with a shock the scream still in my ears I saw Sirius with soaking wet hair and a shocked face. Remus and James were standing over the bed with a cauldron that I presume had water. Peter was standing at the end of the bed with a magical camera and he must have taken a photo with it. Sirius got up and was chasing Peter, James and Remus around the dorm until we had to get ready. Once we were all ready we went down to the great hall and ate breakfast. We had DADA (Defence Against the Dark Arts), Charms, History of Magic, Potions and Transfiguration. When Transfiguration was over McGonagall held me and Remus back. Then a ministry official came in, the same one that came to my house. "I heard that miss Evans was able to successfully transform? Could I please see it?" "Sure" I said back cheerfully. I transformed again. "Interesting."'he spoke. At this I was confused. "You are a lioness, lionesses are protective, fierce and will do anything to protect their cubs and loved ones, your patronus will also be a lionesses.

Me and Remus walk back to the common room and join the games of wizard chess. I verse James first who clams to be 'the best wizard chess player in all of Hogwarts'. I smash James easily. He left his king open whilst focusing on my king which was guarded by pawns. Then I went on to smash Remus and Sirius. Then they thought it would be a good idea to make me verse a 7th year. His name was Gideon Prewett. He was a hard competitor, what most wizards don't know is that wizard chess is just like muggle chess. Me and Lily would verse Petunia and Venus when we were younger all summer long, but when Venus moved to Australia with our Aunt and Uncle when he was 9 years old so me and Lily were 7; to go to this 'prestigious' school in Sydney we stopped playing because we would just burst into tears every time someone moved a piece. It took me and Gideon a while but when I remembered Venus and he's special tactics I realised that I could use that and end the game. Just then Lily came down from the dorms and watched me move the way Venus would and she saw me win the match and burst into tears, I knew that had sparked a memory for her, Marlene just came down the stairs and so I yelled "Marlene! Could you get Lily for me!" Her face was confused but she did that anyway and I raced and pushed through the crowd and rushed to her side and gripped her in a bone-crushing hug. "I-I'm so sorry, I had to I didn't know that you were there-" I sobbed into her shoulder "hey" a soft whisper cut me off "I know you were just doing it in a game but we all miss him, not just me, 'Tuney would be more effected by this, he was her twin" after a while we let go and when I look up Marlene's face is confused/ touched "Lils, you didn't say you had a brother?" "Well I'll explain later ok?" "Meet me up in your dorm in about 5 minutes ok?" I say. I'm thinking of showing her a few things "o-ok?" She replies confused.

I race up to the dorm and grab everything that I brought from home, I think it's time and if on cue Remus walks in, luckily alone "Remus!" I say with such joy I have heard in my own voice since Venus left. "I need to ask you something!" After I explained the situation to him I ask the actual question "Remus is it ok if I tell Lily about the 'fury little problem'?" The nickname 'fury little problem' is the fact that Remus is a werewolf. "Sure, as long as no one hears and she keeps it a secret-" "Thank you!" I scream cutting him off. I race to Lily's dorm with the box and knock on the door. Lily opens the door and is alone so I come in and stray to take out photo albums, letters, and other nicks and nacks.

Lily was definitely confused. I pulled out the letters first and put them across the bed. I held out the first letter. "Lily, I'm sorry, I have been in contact with Venus, these are all the letters he sent. Here just read them, it'll make more sense" after a while Lily burst into tears. "Hey," I said softly "what's wrong Lils?" "T-t-this is w-what the school is! How could dad do this!"

Sorry for the cliffhanger, sorry that it took so long for me to post this... this is 1447 words! Bye.

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