Chapter 3

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DATE: Wednesday 1st September 1971

We arrive at Kings Cross Station in London at 10:15. We wander around and mum gets a coffee, dad gets a frappe, lily gets a strawberry thick shake and I get a vanilla milkshake and we all get 1 donut each. Then at 10:30 we walk to the fifth wall down dividing platforms 10 & 9 we run at the wall and instead of crashing into the wall we go straight through the wall. Lily sees Snape and rushes over to him and I turn and say to Mum and Dad "bye I'll write every week!" also can you tell 'Tuney that I'll miss her and her snoring. Also I got her an owl for you guys so you don't have to wait for my owl. The owl should find me just say. 'Deliver to Hogwarts' it's trained to see either my face for you." Then I hug them and call Lily over so she can say goodbye to them and she drags me onto the train

She and Snape dragged me from one end of the train to the other looking for an empty compartment, we end up going to the middle of the train and sitting with a boy who has scars all over his face and is 'sleeping' I go over and sit across from him "Hi," I whisper so only he can hear Lily and Snape are too busy rambling on about magic. The boy wakes up and I can see fear in his eyes, it may be my appearance, I have butter mellow coloured hair and I'm wearing black eye-shadow and eye liner, I'm wearing a Beatles t-shirt (from when Mum took me and Petunia to a concert in the holidays just pasted) and black jeans. I ask him in a whisper again "what's your name?" He crackly replies "R-Remus L-Lupin" "Remus, that's a nice name, are you the first in your family to go to Hogwarts like me and my sister? We are what the magic people call muggle-born, both our parents are muggles and our sister as well." "No I'm a half blood, my dad is a 'pureblood wizard but my Mum is a muggle-" just then he closes his eyes because the compartment door opens and two boys run in one with long black hair and the other with short messy black hair. Lily starts to get up and says in her soft voice "come on Severus" they start out the compartment door and she notices me taking out my hair, it just frustrates me when it's up! "You coming Daisy?"

I think about it then reply like I do when I know it's not really optional but I don't want to do what they say "nah! You dragged me up and down this train also I don't feel like it ima just stay here." she huffs at this and walks out slamming the compartment door and storms off down the corridor with Snape following at heels like one of her Dalmatians. I stand up and grab my bag and pass out some sour worms to the boys. "Daisy Evans" I say, and the boys just stare at my "well are you going to introduce yourselves?" the long haired boy says "Sirius Black and I'm a Pureblood but I want to be in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin like the rest of my family-" just then a boy that looks like a chubby marshmallow comes in and sits down "Hi" we all say in sync to the boy. "Who are you?" I ask with the quietest lice I have "Peter Pettigrew" "Well I'm James Potter and I'm a pureblood as well but my family is what most pureblood families call 'blood traitors'." "Well I'm Daisy Evans" I start "I'm a muggleborn, my favourite band is the Beatles, I play the drums, and last term I managed to get into 30 detentions. I'm also the twin of that redhead that just stormed out-" just then James interrupted "what's her name and who's that boy with her?" "Her name is Lily, and that boy is Severus Snape. He lives near us, we live on a farm and what are the houses in Hogwarts? I haven't heard of the houses or much about Hogwarts except what Hagrid told me."
"Well" Sirius and James said in sync, "there is Slytherin" Sirius explained "their qualities are ambition, resourcefulness and cunning; they are also known as the evil house because they have produced the most evil wizards out of the four." "Then there's Hufflepuff," James explained, "Their traits are loyalty, dedication and kindness." "There is Gryffindor" Sirius began "bravery, courage, daring, nerve and chivalry." "and there's Ravenclaw" Remus began the others must have not known that he was there "their traits are cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and cleverness" he must have just realised the look on the other boys faces were shock "oh" I whispered to him "just introduce yourself or do you want me to for you?" "No I'll do it, but you need to say what house you hope to be in." "Right, well I think either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff" I say cheerfully. "Well," Remus started "I'm Remus Lupin, I'm a half blood, my dad is a wizard and my mum is a muggle. I hope to be in either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw ''''well what about you Peter?" James asks Regulus "well, I'd rather if I was in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff-" Peter says with a hint of pride.

The time filed with the boys, they just have so much to tell, Remus has an endless stash of chocolate, James has so many stories on adventures he has been on, Sirius and Regulus have so many stories and cousins it's not funny and they are all interested in my family, friends, the treehouse my mischief making in my schools before and of course my sweets and the muggle way of living.

We talk for what feels like 2 hours before Lily runs in and grabs her bag and throws it at me she yells at me "Daisy Evans!! Why did you not tell me that you brought Mum, Dad and Petunia an owl!-" she would have continued yelling if Remus didn't wince at her yelling, I stood up I am about a head taller than her and spoke at her with the calmest tone I could find at that moment "if you're going to yell at me again yell at me in private, Remus has sensitive hearing and you know when you yell I just annoy you more" I then stood by the compartment door and held my hand out the door and curtseyed sarcastically "after you" and I had a good scream at her in the walkway but when someone came we immediately stopped. We screamed at each other for at least half an hour until a Hufflepuff prefect came and told us to get changed into our Hogwarts robes. I walked back to my compartment and found Remus and Peter helping Sirius and James put their jumpers on themselves I had a good laugh at that then Remus told me "Daisy, your uniform is on top of you trunk and you may want to get changed in the bathroom down the carriage" I took his advice and got changed but when I came back Sirius had got his jumper on but James still hadn't I gave it a try and it turns out that they had gotten it on before but he had put his on the wrong way!
Then the train came to a stop and we glanced out the window and saw a magnificent castle. Then we all got off the train. And who was standing at the end of the platform yelling "firs' years, firs' years this way please!!" but Hagrid. We had to weave in and out of the other years. Hagrid leads us to a boat shed and says "get in groups of four" Peter, Sirius, James and a boy named Frank Longbottom that Remus met on platform 9¾, Me and Remus walk to an empty boat and sat in it. We wait until Hagrid says some spell with his pink umbrella, we zoom off into the distance over the lake. Remus looks at me and says with caution "D-Daisy?" "Yes?" I reply with the most caring tone I can find "When the boys told you about Werewolves, what did you think on them?" "well, I wouldn't judge them because they have a condition, but I would judge them on their personality that they display in their human form" "W-well I'm, and I know that my dad said not to tell anyone, but I'm a w-were-" he got cut off by Hagrid saying "you'll get the first glimpse of the castle soon!" and we did exactly 4 seconds later when everyone was still admiring the castle I whispered to Remus "I've known you were a werewolf since Sirius said their traits" He was so delighted he practically bounced the rest of the way into Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall met us in the Entrance Hall and spoke to us then explained the sorting ceremony.
We followed her into the Great Hall. She started to read out names. Soon enough it was "Black, Sirius!" Soon the hat said "GRYFFINDOR" the Gryffindor table welcomed and cheered him to the table. Then "Evans, Daisy!" was read out, the hat pondered and soon said "GRYFFINDOR" I raced over and Sirius clapped the loudest. Then of course McGonagall reads "Evans, Lily!" the hat pondered on her as well and finally said "GRYFFINDOR" she came over and sat the furthest away from me and Sirius. Then after a while a familiar name was read "Lupin, Remus!" he was sorted into "GRYFFINDOR" he came and sat across from me, then a while later "Potter, James!" and he was sorted into, you guessed it "GRYFFINDOR" then "Snape, Severus!'' The hat touched his head and 1 second later it shouted "SLYTHERIN" he went over to the Slytherin table and he didn't bother us again that night.

Sorry that this Chapter is so long!

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