Chapter eight- Forgiving is hard

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What was Gaby doing here? Why did she just show up after an entire week of not even texting? And why was she crying? I stepped into my nearest shoes, and stepped out onto the windowsill. I put my hands on the drainpipe, and lifted my feet off the platform, so the swung round and landed on the clips holding the pipe in place. I slowly edged my way down, until I was on the floor. That's the same way I snuck out last year, with Pin. When I stood up properly, Gaby ran up to me and hugged me. She rested her head on me, trying to stop her tears. I loosely wrapped my arms round her.
"Gaby? What's wrong?" I asked, confused.
"Look, Zoe. I miss you, okay? Even if we can't be together, just being able to see you and talk to you was a gift in itself." She stuttered through her tears. I did want to be in a relationship with her, but I still didn't want to hurt Pin more. He said I could, but I knew him. I knew that he was only saying that to make me feel better. He didn't actually want me to.
"You know Gaby, it's impossible to get you off my mind. I've missed you too, but we can't do this yet. I really hope we can one day, but we can't yet. For now we should just be friends." I spoke, before pulling away from the hug. Telling her we should only be friends broke me as much as I could tell it broke her. She finally smiled.
"At least we can still be friends." she whispered.
"Goodnight, Gaby." I smiled.
"Later, Zoe." Gaby smiled, before walking up to Nero. She gathered his reins in one hand, preparing to mount, but I stopped her.
"Gaby, wait!" I yelled. She turned back round.
"What's up?" She answered.
"Can I come? Maybe we need a late night ride just to.. Clear the air a bit?" I asked.
"Of course. Hop on." She smiled. I ran over and mounted Nero with her. She set off.
"Maybe we should take this to the beach; fix this where we broke it." Gaby spoke.
"Good idea." I replied. Gaby rode Nero down onto the beach. Being back there with her made me feel a type of way I couldn't even explain. Why did it ever have to be messed up? We dismounted Nero and tied him to the same branch we did a week ago.

• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
I was finally on the beach with Zoe again. The first night we'd even spoken since the incident. I was glad we'd finally managed to clear things up a bit.. Without her, I felt lonely.
"Just friends, right?" I laughed.
"Just friends." Zoe smiled. The moon was full, and the sky was clear.
"What is it with us and meeting up unexpectedly past midnight?" I joked.
"I don't know, but it sure makes it fun." Zoe replied, laughing. She stepped a little closer to me.
"M-makes what fun?" I whispered.
"Oh you know.. us? I mean- I- just us." she replied.
"I thought we were just staying friends." I laughed. Zoe smiled.
"I can't help but love you, even though I've tried not to. Maybe Pin wouldn't like this. But truthfully, I don't care about what he thinks anymore. Me and him aren't together anymore. Maybe love should win. Love always wins." She finally announced. A happy tear appeared within my eye. I pulled her in by the waist and kissed her. When we pulled away, she smiled at me.
"I love you, but we need to do this in secret. For real this time. If we don't do this slowly everyone's gonna make a big deal of this." She spoke.
"Agreed, but we look pretty alone at the moment, right?" I laughed.
"We are alone, aren't we?" Zoe chuckled.
"Well in that case.." She said, before putting her hands on my waist and pulling me in. I put my hands on her shoulders.
"Maybe we were meant to be." I smiled.
"Maybe." Zoe laughed, before kissing me.
"But remember, we don't tell Brightfields, or Holloway." She added, after pulling away.
"My lips are sealed." I exclaimed.

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