Chapter 13- Showtime

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It was seriously time to compete Nero. I was seriously worried. It had been 4 days since the first night at the hotel. Nerves were flooding my brain and spilling out into my body and it was showing. I didn't want him to pick up on my feelings, so I was just going to have to be tough. I put my Holloway show jacket on, because even though I was close with Zoe, I still rode for her rival team. The grooms were going to have Nero ready, so I just had to walk the course, and then wait for our class's turn in the warmup aren, then wait to ride my round. Easy, right? Not when your horse is like a sponge who soaks up everything you're feeling in that moment. Reassurance was what I needed, but Zoe still wasn't up, because the course walking was very early. I took a deep breath, and attempted to reassure myself that it was okay. Me and Nero had this. I started walking down to the Arena. To get there, I had to walk past the stable block. Seeing the horses I was up against was nerve racking. I trusted Nero with my life, but this was terrifying. I arrived at the arena, to see the rest of the riders in my class. Everyone was just treating today like a normal day. How weren't they nervous?
Our class got called into the arena, and we began to walk the course we'd be riding. It wasn't too tricky, but the jumps all seemed way bigger than they were. There was a couple of interesting combinations, but I knew Nero would fly through them. Suddenly, I was starting to gain confidence about this entire show. Waves of confidence flowed through my body and I finally felt ready to take on this course. We all headed over to the horses, to bond for a bit before we rode. I petted Nero and waited for Zoe to show up.

Gaby had left early to go walk the course. I had secretly called Becky and Jade along to come cheer her on. They didn't support Holloway, but they knew it was for me, so they agreed to come along. I wasn't planning on telling Gaby, until she noticed them in the crowd, so it would be a real surprise. The rest of Holloway was obviously coming too, so I did have to make sure that Becky and Jade weren't too noticeable to them. I put on my jacket and headed down the hotel stairs and out of the door. I strutted over to the stable block, and spotted Gaby waiting with Nero. I creeped up to them, and tapped Gaby on the shoulder. She jumped, startled, before turning round. She smiled and hugged me.
"ZOE!" She laughed. I held her tighter.
"Gaby! So how is everything?" I asked.
"The course walk went well. I was nervous but I think I'm okay now because I know Nero is going to LOVE this course." She replied. I stopped hugging her and petted Nero.
"That's great!" I exclaimed. Gaby was lucky to get into this show. It was a big show with many good riders. She rode for Holloway, the most famous island stable, so she was good enough to be here; just Nero was new to shows. Gaby fed Nero a peppermint.
"He's excited today. I hope I can get him calm in warmup, but at the same time keep him forward." She went on.
"I'm sure it's all going to be fine. Now come on. Your class is next in warmup!" I assured her. Suddenly, a show official walked into the stable block.
"Anybody riding in class D, please mount your horse and make your way to warmup. Prepare your horse as much as you can, until the announcer calls your name and your horses name." they spoke, in a kind voice. Gaby walked Nero up to the mounting block.
"Welp, that's us!" she laughed. I held Nero whilst she mounted. I noticed she was holding his reins tight, and was tensed up.
"Gaby. Everything is going to go amazingly, so you don't have to be tense like that! I promise." I assured her. She loosened up a little.
"Thank you, Zoe." she smiled.
"Good luck, i'll be watching!" I laughed. Gaby laughed, and walked Nero off to warmup. I went to join Becky and Jade in the crowd. When I got there, it wasn't just them. It was them, Mia and Susie.
"Mia?!? What?" I asked.
"Well. Becky and Jade said they were going to watch Gaby ride, so me and Susie thought we'd tag along. You know, see if Gaby's still any good after nationals." she replied. I sighed.
"Fine. Just don't ruin anything." I muttered.

I finally got to see the rest of my class ride. They were all good, so me and Nero definitely had competition. After a while of cantering him round and warming him up, I turned him into the warmup jump. He popped it easily.
"Good boy." I whispered, before patting him. I half halted him round the corner to stop him rushing. There was other horses in the arena, so of course we were being wary of that. Nero seemed confident, I just had to trust him to take me round the actual course carefully, quickly, and safely. The announcer came onto the speakers.
Number 701 - Joe Kessler and PW Warrior of the night to the main arena.
I was next. The person before me headed to the main arena, and began to ride his round.
"We're next, bud." I laughed to Nero, before taking him up into a final canter round the arena. I cantered him around for about a minute, before the announcer came back onto the speakers.
Fantastic round from Joe! Now may we have Number 702- Gaby Grant and Nighthawk Nero to the main arena, please?
"Let's go, boy." I whispered to Nero, before taking a deep breath and walking him into the main arena.
"Good luck!" The show staff spoke. I nodded to them to show my respect. I took Nero into a canter, and approached him to the first jump. He sped up, and the start bell sounded. He flew over the first jump, and I didn't even have to ask him to go faster, because he was speeding through the entire thing! I turned him round to the second jump, in which he popped with ease. It was clear Nero was capable of jumping higher than 1 metre 20. He popped the third jump, then the fourth. It was time for the triple combo. We approached, and he flew over the first jump, took a stride, flew the second, and finally did the same to clear the third jump. The crowd was suddenly cheering. Nero started to get excited and leap and hop forward. I managed to guide him round the rest of the course, and we finished in astonishing time!
"Good boy." I laughed to him. That was when I knew Nero was definitely a showjumper.
A record breaking time from Gaby and Nighthawk Nero! Their amazing speed and agility puts them into first place, for now. Next up we have the final rider of this class. Number 703- Michelle Brown and Red hot chilli pepper!
"We're in first, boy!" I announced to Nero, whilst walking him out of the arena. I looked into the crowd, and spotted Zoe. But not just Zoe, also Becky, Jade, Mia, and Susie. I dismounted Nero, and they ran over to me. Zoe hugged me.
"You did amazing!" She exclaimed. Even Mia looked impressed, briefly.
"Alright, alright. Now whilst you two continue your secret little relationship thingy, me and Susie are out of here." Mia announced. I looked at Zoe.
"Becky? Jade? You told them?!?" Zoe asked, angrily. They looked down.
"Zoe? You told Becky and Jade to begin with? I thought we promised to keep this secret.. I thought I could trust you." I spoke, before walking off.

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