Chapter twelve- Morning after

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I heard a loud beeping sound. I slowly awoke from my sleep, and groaned, as I realised I had to get up and do things. Eventually, my mind processed that there was in fact someone lying next to me, holding me. It made me jump at first, it's not the thing you expect when you wake up.
"AH!" I yelled. My mind finally made me realise it was Zoe, and my little freakout was nothing. Of course my shout woke her up, though. She jumped up, and looked into my eyes,before looking down, and seeing she was still holding me.
"I- uh." She laughed, still holding on.
"So, how did we end up like this?" I asked, smiling. I felt Zoe's grip fall a little looser.
"I'm not exactly sure.." She replied. She began to remove her arms, when I grabbed her hand, and pulled her back closer.
"You don't have to stop. I never said I didn't like it." I smirked. Zoe gripped a little tighter.
"As much as I'd love to hold you all day, you need to train. We're not here JUST for this sort of thing. Come on." She chuckled, letting go and getting up. I got up and began to get ready. I put on my clothes, and brushed my hair. Zoe was ready, at last, so we headed out to the barn. The stablehands had already groomed, tacked up, and fed Nero an hour prior to our arrival. I took him from the tie up area outside his stable, and began walking him to the mounting block. Zoe could tell I was nervous.
"Gaby. What's up? I can tell when something's off." She enquired.
"Nothing. It's just this is such a big show. We're jumping 1.20 and it's our first show together, with grooms who do everything for us. And this is only training! What if we aren't ready?" I replied. Zoe hugged me.
"You've competed 1.20 loads of times before, girl." She reassured me. I smiled a little bit.
"Well yeah, but not on Nero. Nero has only ever showed 1 metre a couple of times before he was with me." I worried. Zoe stopped hugging me and placed her hands firmly on my shoulders.
"Look, Gaby. I know this is a big first, but you've got a 2 hour training slot to go prove to yourself you're capable. Now go kick ass." She spoke, inspiring me to get on and continue with the day. She gave me a leg up onto Nero, and he walked off, keen to prove himself. I halted him and turned him into the arena. In training, we were jumping 1.10 in order to make sure he didn't get tired as easy.

I had faith in Gaby. Me and her knew this horse had potential, and I trusted her to help prove him, and prove his old owners were wrong to just throw him away on behavioural issues. She took him into canter, and rode him round the outside for a couple of laps, until she felt comfortable in his movement. She turned him in, keeping contact with his mouth and body, and lined him up on the first jump. Every time he tried to rush, she'd half halt him, and keep him contained, until they approached and flew over the first obstacle. Nero threw his head and bucked out of excitement.
"Good boy!" She exclaimed, petting him. Even watching them at the fence made me feel some type of way. Their bond is truly special. She regained contact with him and steered him to the next jump. He cleared it easily. He cleared almost everything he attempted. Nero could basically fly. That's why Gaby is right for him. They're both strong, loving, and brave. The next fences were a combination. Nero was going to have to clear one fence, complete a stride, and jump the next. It was crucial he didn't buck in that stride between the jumps, so Gaby was very focussed. She relaxed her hands, yet still keeping contact, she steered him into the jump, and he cleared it. They landed perfectly, and he took a stride before clearing the second jump. After clearing the second jump, he leaped forwards, and did his usual bucking act. Once Gaby finally calmed him down, she walked him up to me.
"So you don't want to stop him getting excited?" I joked.
"Not really. I think it's just his personality! And I can easily sit it, so I don't see the issue." Gaby laughed to me.
"Good god you're smart. That's why I like you." I announced.
"Well it's good you like me, considering we have to spend the next couple days alone together until the show." She laughed. I laughed, too.
"You guys are gonna rock that show." I announced.

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