Chapter nine- Just friends?

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• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
Things were finally okay with Gaby! More than okay, actually. I couldn't wait to tell Becky and Jade; then I remembered. I wasn't allowed to tell anything about our moment. I could only say that me and Gaby spoke over it and cooled things off. Besides, me and Gaby weren't even official. We just wanted to figure each other out in secret, so it wasn't that bad not being able to tell Becky and Jade. Things were finally okay, and I wasn't going to risk ruining it again. I picked up my phone, and opened our Pony Squad group-chat.
Becky: Omg what
Jade: What is it?
Zoe: Me and Gaby finally talked over things. We're friends again now.
Jade: That's great
Becky: So you didn't have another 'moment?'
Zoe: What? No. We're just friends for now so we don't hurt Pin even more.
Becky: Good idea. That boy is SENSITIVE.
Jade: You still like her though?
Zoe: Yeah.. A lot..
Becky: One day Zoe, one day.
Jade: ^^^^ She's right.
Becky and Jade never fail to make me laugh. Gaby was coming down to the yard today. She was bringing Nero, so we could train together, because she was taking Nero to his first show in a week to get his name out there. They were going to be competing 1 metre 20, which was relatively high, so we had to train HARD. Suddenly I heard Nero's whinny, followed by the sound of hooves entering the yard.
"Quiet, boy!" Gaby laughed.
"Gaby!" I called.
"Hey Zoe! We're training?" She responded happily.
"Yep. Why didn't you ask me to come down to Holloway? You've got a bigger arena there." I asked.
"Oh. Callum and Alex booked both arenas out for the whole day." She replied, as she walked Nero into the arena.

• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
Me and Zoe were and the arena. Nero tossed his head and stepped round. I pulled him back and attempted to halt him. He gets high energy around jumps.
"Someone's lively!" Zoe joked, whilst moving Raven away to give him space.
"Yeah. He gets excited, and after most courses and some jumps he'll buck like crazy. Out of excitement, though. You can tell by his body language." I responded. Zoe backed up Raven, implying I should start first. I smiled at her and asked Nero to trot, but he was already cantering before I could even ask him to. He cleared the first jump, and the second, and third, so on. When we finally reached the last jump, he flew. Once he landed, he did his usual act of lunging forward, and throwing his rear legs. It was quite funny at this point, so I just laughed it off. It always made me upset that his breeders gave up on a horse with so much potential, all because he was 'too excitable'. He was more than that.
"Wow! 1 metre 20 isn't even a challenge for him, so it seems. You've definitely got a grand prix horse right there!" Zoe yelled from the other side of the arena.
"You're right there!" I yelled back. I pulled him down into a trot and pulled up beside Zoe and Raven. Zoe rode off, and began her turn. Raven was a bit like Nero in the fact he could also almost fly, except he usually left the bucking out. Zoe was happy with him, as he was clearing everything. She wasn't even competition him in that show, but she'd take any chance to jump Raven in any setting. They touched down after the final jump, and she patted him. She trotted up next to me, out of breath from the course.
"Wow! Great round." I complimented. She smiled. I looked around to check nobody was about, and when I saw no one, I spoke.
"It's hard having to hide everything about us when we're around others, but for now it's the best thing we can do." I smirked.
"Yeah.. I hate not being able to just hold you when we're at each other's yard." Zoe chirped.
"I guess when we're here we're just friends.." I added on.
"Well, we may have something going on, but you're right. When we're here, just friends it is." Zoe laughed.

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