Chapter eleven- Hiding secrets

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• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
No way did I hear Jade right. Zoe and Gaby? She could of just meant as friends. I had to find out about this. Originally I was just walking by, but when I heard that, it almost shocked me.
"Zoe and Gaby?!?" I laughed. Jade looked down. Almost like she was hiding it or something.
"As in dating?" I added. Jade sighed.
"Yes.. But not official, okay? DO NOT say anything about this to anyone. Especially not either of them. Gaby told Zoe to keep it secret, and when she told me and Becky, she told us to keep it secret." Jade snapped. Well wasn't this news. Of course I supported them, but it was definitely a strange combo.
"Oh don't you worry. This is perfectly safe with me." I smiled. I said that, but of course Susie had to know..
"Anyway. I'm off to ride Firefly, see you girls later." I smirked, before walking away. Zoe and Gaby being a new thing definitely came as a shock to me. Susie had to know. I told them I wouldn't spill but I had to tell her.
"Susie! Come here!" I yelled, as she ran over to me and Firefly.
"What's up? She asked. I smiled.
"So you're never going to believe this." I spoke, before I whispered the news into her ear.

• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
I finally arrived at the show ground with Gaby. We were staying in the hotel they had right next to the grounds. We had a room together, and we were going to be there for another 4 days. We had to make this count. Me and Gaby headed to our room and looked around.
"Wow. This is nice!" Gaby laughed. She wasn't wrong, either. The room was large and filled with horse decor everywhere. Perfect for a show ground.
"You're right there." I replied.
"Yeah.. Nero's a little low energy from the long journey here, so I'm going to let him rest for a little longer tomorrow. It will help him prepare his body for training." Gaby stated.
"Good idea. It's not just Nero who needs the rest, it's you too. This is a big first show and we have no clue how it's going to work out. Get to bed, gurlllll." I chuckled. Gaby smiled.
"It's only 10pm!" She responded, laughing at my words.
"I guess rest could help... It's not often your first show with your horse is one large enough to a point where you're supposed to show up a week before ." She finally smiled.
"I know. But before you go to bed, just know something." I spoke. Gaby turned back round. I walked up to her and kissed her. She blushed a little.
"Very funny, Zoe. Now I'm off to bed." Gaby giggled.
"Night!" I called.
"Goodnight to you too." She responded. Gaby headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed, so I went to unpack my stuff before we slept. I pulled my clothes out and organised them in piles on the floor. I changed into my pyjamas, and got my toothbrush. I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked.
"Mind if I join you in getting ready for bed?" I asked Gaby.
"Come on in." She laughed back to me. I brushed my teeth, and once we were done, we headed out to the bed. There was only one double bed, so we were going to sleep on opposite sides. At least we were planning to... We got in bed, and were both on our own side. I was tired, so I fell asleep fast.

The next morning, I woke up. Sticking to our own side of the bed didn't go to plan, clearly, as I found myself on top of Gaby. It was still early, and my alarm hadn't gone off yet, so I decided to go back to sleep. I could of moved back over, but something about having Gaby in my arms whilst we slept was almost perfect. I smiled to myself and went back to sleep, still on Gaby.

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