Chapter Six {Uh Oh, Cheerio}

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Chapter Six

{Uh Oh, Cheerio}

                “As you all know, Harry was coming back. He was about ten minutes from here about an hour ago. That’s when another car hit him head on.” Simon sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Last we knew he was unconscious with a broken wrist.”

                “I want to go see him.” Katrina mutters softly, but when no one says anything, her voice gets louder. “I WANT TO SEE HIM NOW.”

                “Okay, let’s go.” Simon groans, rubbing the back of his neck.


*One Direction*


                “MOTHERFUCKER.” Ryan shouts, hitting her toe against a pole for the third time.

                “Let’s act gay!” Niall squeals, flinging his arms around. I watch as Louis joins him, acting extremely stupid. We’re getting stares from various nurses and visitors. At least they’re not screaming and trying to attack the boys.

                “Niall. Ryan. Louis.” Zayn snaps, narrowing his eyes at him. Liam chuckles, rolling his eyes. Once we arrive at a nurse’s station, Paul who decided to come along, takes charge.

                “We’re here to see Harry Styles.” Paul says firmly at one of the nurses. She looks frazzled, her brown hair all over the place. This nurse is extremely young, around our age. She shouldn’t be here. She must be volunteering.

                “Ah, the boy who has two bodyguards at his door.” The nurse smiles, looking at Katrina, Ryan and I. “I’m Alexis.”



                “Jenna.” We chorus, looking at her. Alexis goes to stand, stretching out her long legs. Katrina involuntarily puts her hand on her large baby bump, checking to see if the baby had kicked. By the look on her face, the baby girl hadn’t.

                “Right this way, I’ll show you to Harry.” Alexis smiles, striding down the hallway. Paul follows and after a rude glance from him, we all jog to them to keep up. Alexis boards an elevator, the rest of us in tow. It’s a tight squeeze with nine people, one that is pregnant, in the extremely small elevator.

                Katrina is pressed against the right corner, cussing under her breath. Paul is in front of her and Alexis is in front of him, standing beside the floor buttons. Ryan is in the other corner, Louis at her side. I’m stuck in between Katrina and Louis, wishing that the elevator is bigger. Niall is in the last corner across from Alexis, his head resting on the wall. Liam is beside him, counting the floors. Zayn’s leaning against Ryan, looking extremely comfortable.

                When the doors fly open, all of us pile out. Ryan looks like she was close to hyperventilating from claustrophobia and so does Niall. Louis has his arm wrapped around Ryan’s waist protectively, her arm behind her back and holding onto his hand. It looks uncomfortable but doesn’t seem to bother her. Liam’s on his phone now, texting somebody. Most likely it’s Jessi.

                “His room is right down here.” Alexis smiles and points towards a room. Oh, she likes smiling. Way too vibrant.

                Cue Katrina crying.

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