You may try to Break Me, Shatter Me and Make me burn but You never will

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(Play song for grander affect)(Dynasty by MIIA)
Izuku Midoriya stands in front of the hurt kid. He really didn't like this. Seven year old Izuku was standing up against his best friend, Kacchan.

"Stop hurting him, Kacchan!! I don't want to fight you!!", Izuku cries begging his friend to stop.

Kacchan laughs, "What are you gonna do Deku without a quirk?!".

With that while Kacchan's group beat and kick him. Kacchan repeatedly blasted explosions right up in his face. His screams rip themselves out to only be ignored like no cared and he didn't matter to them.

Overtime it slowly became a inky black.

And it remained that way. Bakugo and his friends weren't even punish for what they did to quirkless deku is legal. In fact they taken out on a school trip on a regular school day for it.

It had only six months later when he came.

Izuku's father. All for One.

Within weeks, Izuku's Father tortures and expierments on Izuku. And within six months, Mommy had turned on him. She started beating him too and calling him cruel names like Kacchan.

Izuku never lost hope however. His dream of being a pro burned within his soul. It was his calling. His ticket to save others like him and innocents.

Izuku no felt safe at home so whenever he could between Father's times with him, Mother's chores and schoolwork, he would look for a place. In a small stroke of luck, Izuku found an abandoned campsite with one cabin with the beach covered head to toe in trash and tech junk for building materials.

It may have took six months but Izuku finished his new home.

The cottage held a bathroom, kitchen, living room and five bedrooms. Also there was a basement with his lab for his second loves besides becoming a hero. Engineering and medicine.

Also outside, Izuku build a training grounds, a library, a fine arts studio, a greenhouse and a lot of crops with some livestock. Also a few wolf friends that he made.

Izuku named his escape home Castaways.

Little did he know how far Castaways changed his life of solitude.

One day, Izuku was walking down the sidewalks with his stick and glasses. But then he hears cries and like any hero, he runs to the source. To hear a girl, his age in pain. "Hey, Are you okay?", Izuku asks softly. "No, everything hurts", The girl says weakly. This is not good. Izuku picks up the girl using all his strength and uses his other senses with his shoes off heading to Castaways where his lab was.

He uses his senses to sense to the injuries and does his best to heal them. He also did some surgery on the girl. Then he took her to the second room next to his for her to sleep. Silently he cleans everything up and restocks. Mostly using nature and the small amount money from his inventations for medicine and food in the Fridge.

He also realized that everyone he reads and writes is in Braille. Also the girl held permanent damage on her ears. He would need to teach her sign language, sew her some clothes from the sewing machine he fixed in the living room. He cooks the girl and him something to eat silently. He checks the clock on the the Fridge. He only got thirty minutes left!!

He writes a letter explaining to the girl and left the food on a hot plate before he left but after eating his dinner.

Toga wakes up in shock. I survived? I survived, Mother!!! I survived, Mother!! She then turns to see a letter and food with some red sauce which she knew was blood. She takes the food and pouring the blood over the meal before silently eating it happy. She decided that she should eat before she reads the letter.

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