Touya's Revenge and a Sports' Festival

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Ships: Fixed for last time
I'm sorry (Mineta x Asui)(I rethought again is disgusted)
Jiro x Kendo
Kaminari x Sero x Shinso
Ojiro x Tokoyami
Toga x Uraraka x Asui
Iida x Momo
Sato x Koji Koda
Mirio x Tamaki
Shigaraki x Dabi

Please Vote to break tie:
Midoriya x Aoyama
Midoriya x Aoyama x Todoroki

A Gayiun Wedding: Revenge is the best Karma and Kacchan's Silent Suffering

Midoriya was obviously sleeping in the Infirmary. Everyone was in the classroom while the teachers were having a staff meeting on levels of training needed for Midoriya.

Bakugo silently sat in his desk thinking away. Midoriya, I am so sorry. Bakugo remembers it now. All those years ago. Midoriya, his friend. How could he do that? But then he remembers why. It was all to gain freedom. It was all so that he could survive his parents. All for the dream of becoming a hero and cutting ties with his abusive parents. All those years and secretly filing away emancipation. All for the simple goal for freedom. Not caring for the cost or what he would 'have' to do.

Kirishima was silent as he looks at Bakugo with a sympathy. He could tell Bakugo was going through something. Kirishima heads over to Bakugo with a small smile, "Hey Bakugo, wanna come with to visit Midoriya and apologize?". There was then a created silence. Bakugo looks at Kirishima with a small smile, "Yeah, Shitty Hair and about apologizing. I owe him the reasoning of why.".

Toga looks at Dabi with a small smile. Shigaraki heads up to Bakugo. "Katsuki Bakugo, I am going to warn you that you got to be gentle and if you hurt Izu again I going to beat your ass okay?", Shigaraki says swiftly.

Bakugo nods softly before heading off with Bakugo. "Toga, follow them.", Shinso says swiftly. Toga smiles before heading off.

Everyone was silent but understands. Knowing that Midoriya has been through a ton from Bakugo.

Bakugo and Kirishima enter to see Midoroya with quite a bit of tubing on him. He was awake but could barely move an inch without having one of the tubes come off. Kirishima was silent as the hurt enters his heart to see Midoriya on this.

Recovery Girl looks at them and answers, "Midoriya was very weak after the fight so as a Necessary precaution, I had to place him on life support until his body becomes fully stable.".

They look at him with a sympathy none cannot wasn't genuine. With that they enter the room and sit near the bed in the chairs. "Hey Midoriya, it's me Kirishima but umm I brought someone who wants to say something to you.", Kirishima says softly.

"Hey . . . Is everyone okay?", Midoriya says to them soul linked. It was quite weak but they could hear it.

"They are okay, Midoriya.", Kirishima says softly. Midoriya smiles softly.

"So who wanted to talk to me?", Midoriya says softly.

"Hey it's me, Midoriya.", Bakugo says softly with regret and guilt.

"Kacchan!", Midoriya yelps in fear and worry.

"Hey Midoriya, I'm sorry. For everything. For bullying you, blinding you, for muting you, for nearly killing you. The reason why is selfish and personal.", Bakugo says softly as flashes of dark memories enters the three. The memories of Bakugo.

After that there was a pregnanted silence. But Midoriya breaks it, "Kacchan, I forgive you but I was never mad at you. I just wanted to know why and I forgave you a long time ago. Please tell Shigaraki about your parents. Don't worry he can help! Also please come live at Castaways instead of them!".

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