Internships and Stain Meeting

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-Final Midoriya Ship Voting-
       Vote now as the winning is by one


                 Aoyama x Midoriya (10)

            -Final Aoyama Ship Voting-
Aoyama x Mizuki(2)


Aoyama x Hado

-Monoma Shipping Voting-
Monoma x Tesutetsu


Monoma x Sero x Kaminari x Shinso


            Monoma x Jirou x Kendo


          Monoma x himself (ace)

Also Warning Heavy Angst from Todoroki: So hurt Izu

Happy Birthday, Izu: The Greatest Wish and Strange Feelings

The weeks after the Sports Festival fly by smoothly and quiet. Well that's what it felt for Izu. Even when his birthday was coming up. He felt excited this time however because he got to truly celebrate it with everyone.

Also Izu had his calendar filled with everyone in U.A's birthdays so he could get gifts for everyone and celebrate for everyone. One more thing was out of the normal was he had more meetings with Recovery Girl than normal.

Which Izu also notes was on a request of Support. Also whenever he asked Power Loader on it, he always be shoved back saying it that it was a surprise. So then he told Mizuki, Neko and Hatsunne about it. They all giggled a bit before telling him the same.

Izu groans with frustration. What is going on? This was the same response for everyone except one. Todoroki-Chan .

Todoroki looks at Izu silently or Izu receives silence telling him utter confusion or shock. "Everyone?", Todoroki asks back softly in a dead serious tone. Izu nods before signing with a pained face, "Everyone.". "Okay. Let's go.", Todoroki says softly before promotely grabbing him by the arm and heading off to the a certain set of offices.

            They left with the same respond.

Todoroki growls gently as they left the last office. This was not normal. Todoroki then looks at Izu who weakly gave him a smile in gratitude. Todoroki sighs softly before answering, "Don't Worry whatever Support is putting your through I'll be there like I am on everything. As the duty of your f-friend.". Izu could feel blush form gently on his checks. So he decides it. He kisses Todoroki's check softly before signing as he leaves Todoroki, "Thank you, f-friend, T-Todoroki-c-chan".

Todoroki was silent as as flames ignite from his left side with his red checks. Todoroki quickly brings in the flames softly before looking at Izu with a small smile. Izuku always says thanks to others in a physical gesture or something in return. But Todoroki who had been straved from such things as a child was attempting to break these strange feelings of warmth apart to understand them.

Hado, Rose and Mina the ones who saw this glorious scene. Hado translating what Izu with Mina's phone placed on recording. Rose watches silently with her plan bubbling with her excitement as she watched the glorious scene. After the two left, the three then rush off to the others. They needed to know this glorious ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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