Class Rivalry and the Abusive Pro-Hero

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Class Rivalry: Class Bet

Alright it was finally time with the finals. Everyone was paired and Izu's match with Shinso was first. Good thing since the competitive rivalry against the two hero classes was forming rapidly throughout the Festival. The one person remaining almost neutral was Kendo while Class 1-B was jeering Class 1-A's hothead. Bakugo.

Then Mineta just had to make things hyerwire as everyone snapped. "YOU DISGUSTING PREVERT STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!", Kendo yells as Mineta looks at her with his preverted thoughts snapping everyone.

"MINETA!!!!!!", Iida yells with everyone as the jeers leads to insults. As our class 1-A savagely burns back.

"Ooooooooh, looks like we got some class rivalry in the stands!!", Mic shouts on the microphone bringing attention to scene of rivalry. As Jiro with Ojiro, Sato, Sero and Tokoyami were scolding Mineta to obvilion.

Aizawa looks at his students shock. They would never break at petty insults. He then looks over to see the five towering over a certain purple haired kid. Aizawa snaps his pencil into many pieces. This kid!!!!!!!!

The camera then looks over getting Monoma and Iida the main voices right now of Class 1-A and 1-B or the main flock of competitors in the Finals. "We are going to beat you so hard, Class 1-A that you regret even getting an inch near us!!", Monoma yells laughing.

Iida looks over at his classmates who nod. "Alright, if you gonna do it that way, why not a bet or wager for the losing class and winning class to have a fun victory?", Iida says swiftly as the crowd then grew in excitement.

"Oh, what do you losers propose?",Monoma spats with his class agreeing.

"Well the main couple's hangout of U.A is getting filled with pop up shops that creates in some cases litter and trash. We, class 1-A we're going to plan a Spring Festival for all students in the Facility so if we lose, class 1-B would get to choose the theme and we, class 1-A, will also have to clean the Facility for the remaining of the year and anything Class 1-B desires of cleaning as long as it's within school grounds. And every student of  Class 1-B can make any student of Class 1-A do something up the time limit of a month. It shall be the opposite if Class 1-B loses.", Iida says smiling softly as Nezu softly cries in the top box at the lovely idea of that the students created and he was oh so allowing it but creating a new tradition of U.A.

Shinso and Izu just stand there listening. In worry, he wants to win but you gave a gun to Mineta?!

Class 1-B looks at the proposal and smirks. "Oh, there one more thing we want to add, if we win or lose, at the Festival you are planning you better have a dunking range and have the prevert sit there for us. And if we win, we get to give Class 1-A a punishment for making this bet!!", Monoma says laughing darkly.

Iida looks at his classmates who held fire in their eyes. Even Izu who smiles at him softly.

"You are on!! May the best class win!! PLUS ULTRA!!", Iida says triumphantly raising his fist in the air as crowd goes wild.

Then to be fair, Shinso and Izu have a quirkless match or none of them are using their quirks. Izu giving Shinso a whip to use against his blades. The fight gets fierce but Izu wins as Shinso takes a step out of the ring to use the whip.

"Touché, Izu.", Shinso says softly in a disappointed.

"You fought admirably, Shinso-Chan!!", Izu signs softly as the pair head off up to the stands.

Also during the time in the stands the method of how the tally worked as in each fight class 1-B student is against a class 1-A student whoever wins gains one point for their class. But if a Class 1-A or Class 1-B student takes first place they earn 100,000 points for their class or the class instantly wins.

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