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Excluding all the swordsmen that have either won or lost before Ella's show-man-ship, there were a total of 3 heavily bruised individuals in the entire arena

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Excluding all the swordsmen that have either won or lost before Ella's show-man-ship, there were a total of 3 heavily bruised individuals in the entire arena.

1) Prince Theodore.

The freshly inflicted wound on his calf was dripping mercilessly with a thick metallic liquid that molded around the Prince's boots in spatter patterns. The lower part of his black pants darkened solely because of the crimson stains and fastened to his leg due to its wetness.

But to him, that wasn't the part that required his utmost attention, to him nothing from the throne of the Mubeven Empire in the east to the heaps of gold and flock of girls he came across in Dalia in the west, mattered at that very moment. His eyes were hell-bent on one and only woman that ever garnered his body and mind in such a peculiar way.

To him, the whole world had blurred out in black and white and Ella was the only color he could conceive.

2) Ella.

Ella held her quivering lip tightly in her upper teeth, she blinked more than average and her eyebrows knit together in a daze.

What in the bloody hell was going on?

Ella was heavily bruised too, not on her calf, but on her dignity that took several years of grounding. All her pride, ego and esteem shattered down in one blow.

One blow to her sword and one to her heart.

Ella looked around her in desperation, her eyes popped in all four directions, all the shouting of slander and slurs that were piercing through the arena in such aggression, now was the time. Now was the time when Ella wanted to hear them, she hoped the screams of their ill-words could over-shadow the deafening silence.

Ella slumped a little as she noticed the audience wide-eyed and tight-lipped. Nobody was talking, nobody even dared to move, maybe it was the presence of Prince Theodore or the doubt that Ella too, might end up being one of the royals. But there was one audible commotion which Ella wished to ignore for the rest of her life if she could, and it was directly coming from Princess Irene herself.

Ella did pay her mind to The princess once or twice in this entire ordeal, but Prince Theodore, it's as of he turned into a rock, hardly did he even blink, and hardly did his eyes ever took off from Ella. If only he wasn't breathing like a rock too, Ella thought to herself.

3) And Princess Irene with her heavily bruised heart.

Princess Irene needed time to process, she didn't know how to make sense of what exactly was going on. In front of her was her dream, her love, her knight in a shining armor who was bleeding continuously to death. She breathed heavily and held her hand to her chest, she wasn't sure what she should worry about more.

Her love bleeding like an animal or her love being stolen away from her right in front of her very eyes.

She closed her eyes and tightly gripped her ruffled dress in one hand and the other, she repeatedly beat on her ribs to calm her beating heart down. Princess Irene opened her eyes again and this time it was clouded with sudden rage, she gritted her teeth roughly and pushed back the small strands that rested upon her face with her lean fingers. She bent down to take off her shoes and proceeded to tear down her regal gown by the bottom with her bare hands. She was about to leap on Ella and she made sure that nothing could manage to come in her way, not her dress and not her dainty heart.

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