Round 12 - Part 2.

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not even in her wildest dreams did Irene imagine herself lying on a floor,

the iron wrought chandelier hung above her, its flicking candles painted the ceiling above it in an unearthly glow.

The floor's cold sensation felt as if God's hand slowly graced her back.

She heaved out a heavy breath, each muscle of her body seemed to be at the brink of death, even the slightest moment felt like it would break her fragile bones.

Alexander, that prick.

Irene cursed at Alexander and his punishments, and cursed Ella for starting it all, had she not been there Theodore wouldn't have ogled at her like she was an angel descended straight from the gardens of heavens.

Her hair was spread all over,

Her eyes were closed shut,

And her white floral gown was laid out like flakes of snow blanketing the muddy ground.

The door creaked, it made her jolt slightly though her eyes remained shut as before, light footsteps padded the marble floor,

there were only very few who could enter her room without her permission.

"And you are dead I presume?"


If Theodore's voice was strong and gravelly, Emmett's was sweet like honey, a singers voice, tuneful and soothing,

Irene hadn't twitched a muscle or moved her arms, she looked like she was sleeping but to Emmett, she looked like his salvation.

A sanctuary where he could stroll whenever his heart and mind felt uneasy.

He stood by the door, his eyes scanned her petite frame as he waited for an answer.

Emmett would have stayed longer though, admiring her paradise-touched features and her doll-like frame,

If she hadn't looked so pale and still, that is.

"God! Are you really dead?"

A look of worry and panic flashed by his eyes, he rushed over to her; his knees sank above her head as his hand traveled to touch her cheeks.

"No Emmett, I am very much alive. Do you think I'll let Ella get lucky so soon?" Princess Irene's eyes remained shut, but her voice firm. In their proximity, he noticed the faint smudges peppered beneath her eyes.

Dark circles.

Was she waking up nights worrying about a commoner?

"At least I don't hear Ella's mourns reaching all the way to my room."

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