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After yesterday's events of finding out about Prince Emmett and his schemes,

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After yesterday's events of finding out about Prince Emmett and his schemes,

Prince Theodore was left with a blistering headache, of all things his brother could have done, he supposed, this was the worst.

He walked past the beige painted hallways, lined with portraits of Dalia's royals, through the thickened window's glass he saw dawn bleeding it's last colors to the sky before succumbing to complete darkness,

a perfect time to visit Ella.

His heart thundered by her mere thought.

He built his happiness in teasing her, adored watching how her cheeks puffed up and glowed several shades of red every time she felt bothered, or when she was thrown in a phase of utter confusion.

All because of him.

A smile crept onto his cheeks.

Prince Theodore busted the door to Ella's room wide open as he stepped in.

Ella shrieked, her sore muscles reaching for the gold lamp to use it as a weapon.

She shifted, sliding between her silk sheets, her attempts to make herself comfortable now all in vain.

"How is my Princess doing this fine evening?"

Prince Theodore chirped in.

The hand-crafted black silk shirt hugged his broad shoulders tightly, the bottom of his fingers embellished gold, traditional rings and thin, thread bands dangled on his wrist, his matching dark pants enveloped his torso fittingly.

He leaned by the door-frame, both his arms folded by his chest while one of his legs overlapped the other.

"Great until you showed up."

Ella retorted as she moved from her current position on Prince Theodore's unanticipated appearance.

She rose her brows, her mouth hung slightly ajar in disbelief, though she masked it all into perfect neutral as she glared at him.

If only looks could kill.

She stretched her arms by tossing them behind her head, letting the lamp she was holding drop, her mouth exuding a whine of comfort.

"Have you no manners? I fear the royal code of conduct really is dead these days."

Ella groaned, eyeing Prince Theodore's muscular physique head to toe.

"At least have the decency to knock or do you lack knowledge of that too?"

Ella questioned, her arms now landing in her lap and her lids narrowing into thin slits.

"Yes, I do-"

Prince Theodore shrugged, the corner of his lips tugged up in a mischievous smirk as he gestured at Ella, signaling her to diminish the distance separating them.

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