Round 12 - Part 1.

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Ella groaned.

From frustration,


A severe headache.

From whatever maddening reason.

Ella groaned hard.

Thick streams of perspiration trickled down her jaw and settled on her collar bones like shiny, lustrous beads. Her curly brown strands were a plain disaster, firmly stuck on her neck and utterly wet from all the spurts of sweat.

It was winter, wasn't it?

So why did it feel like her entire body had been set on flames, burning hot and blazing with fire?

Her slim back leaned against the solid, wooden door after the prolonged struggles of pushing and nudging Prince Theodore out.

It was almost like he intentionally did that, putting his strength and muscle on display, setting a reminder in Ella's head that he wasn't an easy opponent,

That he was a man, made out of steel.

Ella's energy had drained and long left her body.

Her fingernail was tightly bit in her teeth,

And her foot constantly tapped against the hard floor.

She sighed, her eyes drifted around the spacious room in uncertainty and her mind rambled back and forth searching for answers.

Clearly shoving Prince Theodore out of the room wasn't the greatest hassle she had experienced in the past hour, but hunting for the reasons of his clingy and unbelievably adamant behavior certainly was.

He wasn't supposed to be like this. At least not from what Ella had observed and heard.

Her tooth clipped off the nail from her pinky finger harshly, her eyelids closed as she repeatedly thumped her head against the door in defeat.

Prince Theodore was a fairly brutal man.

Those were the dreadful rumors that had circled around every Empire to ever exist, for years.

He had killed people.

Racked enough bodies in a pile to have him climb up the throne that was shortly to be his.

He was the Mubeven Empire's crown Prince after all.

A soon to be King.

Months ago, those rumors had caught on to the Dalia Empire like a bush fire,

They had taped on Ella's window as well, back when her mother was still alive.

The old her shuddered at the mention of his deeds and prayed to God that their paths would never intertwine. She lived assured though, not an ounce of fear in her since a little part of her knew that destinies of the Royals and commoners,

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