R O U N D- 16

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Ella cursed.

She gripped the hem of her shirt tightly; her knuckles turned white as snow.

That meat-head.

Her lip-twitched.

Ella fumed with rage.

The anger inside her curled hot and unstoppable.

Her blood boiled, and her self-worth?

Ripped apart, stepped upon, and shoved out of the window.

She bawled her fingers into a fist and banged it on the wooden cupboard.

The aftermath of which caused the glass decoratives that rested on top of it to clatter and fall.

The loud screeching sound of glass breaking echoed in the room.

Ella breathed heavily; her chest fell and rose in a rapid motion.

The now sore knuckles on her fist throbbed.

She ran her sweaty hands through her hair in frustration and clutched her strands tightly.

Her eyes closed; the events from the archery ground flushed through her brain.

The vivid images of her arrow being split apart in half, the references of "justice" that Ella did not understand, Prince Theodore acting like a dominant jackass, 

Him trying to step over Ella, 

Him trying to push Ella to kill him, 

Princess Irene blowing up on her,

And Prince Emmett.

A faint tear tickled at the corner of her eyes.

She creased her brows in resentment and pain.

Just one lasting and rare moment with him which too was ruined by Prince Theodore and his inflamed ego.

Why did he have to be such a jerk?

There was only so much that she could endure.

 Ella would have lingered in the shadows like a nobody and avoided all battles that the Royals purposely ignited.

That was her plan.

And so far, it has seemed to go well.

Considering she had refrained herself from towing Princess Irene's eyes out after the food fight or whenever she had tried to plunge on Ella like a maniac.

Her eyes yanked open.

The look of wrath and outrage flashed by them.

Ella had run out of her patience, maybe if Prince Theodore wouldn't have mocked her like the prick he was,

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