9-The ball

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It was finally the day of the ball. All day long, you saw the Senate getting prepared for tonight. You thought Naboo was a great place for a ball because it was beautiful. The ball was starting at 7 pm so at 6 pm you joined Padmé, Ahsoka and Satine in a big room to prepare yourselves. You all got ready, some maids did your hair and all that stuff. You felt different, you were so used to put your hair in a warrior ponytail or a messy bun. You looked at your friends' dresses, they were amazing. They looked so pretty.
"Come on (Y/N)," said Padmé snapping you out of your trance, "you're the only one still not dressed." You nodded and got your dress. You entered another room and got naked to change. You put a small belt under your dress for your lightsaber. Then, you put on the dress and your boots, then added the cape and the gloves. You looked au yourself in the mirror. You felt pretty.

(This is what you looked like (with your hair colour and eye colour))You got out of the room and came towards the girls

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(This is what you looked like (with your hair colour and eye colour))
You got out of the room and came towards the girls. They all gasped when they saw you.
"Oh (Y/N) you're beautiful, this dress suits you!" Padmé said, looking at you.
"She's right master! You look magnificent." Said Ahsoka smiling.
"Told you that would suit you" said Satine, smirking. You four all got out the room since it was time to go to the ball room. In the corridors leading to the room, people looked at you in an amazed way. You saw that and smirked. In the room, you spotted your men. Anakin noticed all of you and nudged Obi-Wan and pointed his head at your group. He looked at you and looked impressed. You arrived and smirked.
"If you keep that mouth opened all day, you'll eat flies." You said smirking.
"Well, if you weren't that beautiful, this wouldn't happen." Said your friend smirking too. You blushed a bit.
"Thanks, you're pretty handsome too. Do you have your lightsaber?"
"Yes I do, just here," he said, pointing his belt, "you?"
"Under this." You said pointing your dress.
"Not even gonna ask how you did it." You two laughed. Then, Obi-Wan extended his hand to take yours.
"Would you mind dancing with me?" You took his hands and let yourself being guided by him. You danced softly and gracefully. You looked at Anakin and Padmé the smirked.
"What's with the smirk?" Asked your friend
"Look at Anakin and Padmé, I'm sure there's something going on between them." He glanced and smiled.
"You're right, there's definitely something going on." He then looked back at you and smiled.
"Why are you staring at me?" You asked, wondering if you had something on your face.
"It's weird to see you in something else than a Jedi tunique. This dress suits you."
"Yeah, it feels weird too for me. I'm not used to have my hair down I..." you stopped when you felt a disturbance in the force.
"I felt it too." Said Obi-Wan. Then, you heard a blaster shooting and people screaming. You saw the face of the attacker and growled what a party pooper! You took your lightsaber and ran towards the attacker.
"Argh my hair is getting in my face!" You tied your hair in a ponytail while running, much better, you ignited your lightsaber and ran after the shooter. He tried shooting you but failed as you dodged the blasts. You got out of the ball room still running after him. After running for a few minutes you finally succeeded in apprehending him. You pinned him on the ground, making it impossible for him to move. He grunted and struggled but he couldn't do anything. You threw his blaster away and knocked him out. You then threw him on your shoulder and walked back to the ball room. There, many people looked at you with the attacker on your shoulder. They all cheered as you handed the criminal to the guards.
"Well done (Y/N), thank you for your protection." Said the chancellor.
"It was a pleasure chancellor, it's my duty after all." You said, bowing your head.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Asked your friends running to you.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, just a few scratches nothing serious." You said smiling.
"Shall we continue what we were doing earlier?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"Actually, my feet hurt a lot and I'm getting tired." You said feeling bad for refusing.
"Alright, then follow me if you may." Said your friend. You nodded and followed him. He took a speeder and led you to a place with many pools of hot water and some rocks. It was beautiful.
"Tadaaaa. It's a calm place here to chill."
"Wow that's beautiful!" You touched the water and it was hot. You glanced at Obi-Wan and smiled. You then removed your cape, dress, boots and accessories leaving you only in your underwear and dipped into the water.
"Ohhh this is nice." You said sighing happily.
"Mind if I join you?" Said your friend smiling.
"Not at all. Come on!" He got undressed too and plunged into the water. You scooted next to him and he put his arm around your shoulders. You felt so safe next to him. It was at this moment that you realized you couldn't deny it anymore. Even though it was forbidden, this feeling was stronger than you. You were in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi...
Another chapter done!! Heheh! Hope you enjoyed

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