18-Revenge of the Sith (alternative ending)

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(A/N): what if anakin didn't fall to the dark side? That's exactly what this chapter is about. Enjoy!
Dooku has been killed and the chancellor had been saved. Anakin was asked to spy on the chancellor by the council. You knew he wasn't really up to the idea but did it anyways. During that time, you and Obi-Wan had been sent on a mission to kill Grievous. A battalion of clones were following you but they were waiting for your signal. You landed on the planet where the droid General was. A local told you he and other separatists were here on the planet. You got on a creature and tried to find grievous. You then found him and hid.
(On Anakin's side)
The chancellor told anakin that the only way to save his wife was to be stronger and kill all the younglings. He was about to get out of the senate to go to the Jedi temple to execute what palpatine ordered him to do.
(On your side)
You were hiding with Obi-Wan when you felt a disturbance in the force coming from Anakin. What is happening? You thought, his thoughts aren't shielded. What is he doing? You looked in his mind. He's going to kill the younglings?!!? No!!! I have to stop him!!!
You talked to him through his mind.
What do you want?
Why are you going to kill the younglings?
It's the only way to become powerful! To save Padmé!
No! It's not! What are you thinking? Do you think that Padmé will be happy if she learns that you killed children? How to you think she'll feel if she knows that you killed children and that you're about to hold her own child? You won't save her, you will destroy her!
Your words resonated in Anakin's mind. A wave of consciousness hit him. You were right. The Jedi weren't the enemies but the chancellor! He turned around and faced Palpatine.
"Anakin? What are you doing? Go kill your enemy!" Said the chancellor.
"You are my enemy!" Said anakin igniting his lightsaber and stabbing the chancellor, killing him instantly.
The second he did this, all the Jedi felt the darkness fade. He did it, you thought happily, he killed the chancellor! You and Obi-Wan killed Grievous and went back to Corruscant.
~Time Skip to two weeks later~
You, Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were on Naboo. Padme gave birth a few days ago. Anakin was so happy. You were happy too. Obi-Wan was holding you tight during the time Padmé was having her children. I made you blush but you were happy. The next day, you decided you had to confess your love to him. Let's do this! Now or never.
"Obi? Can I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure." He followed you to another room. You faced him and sighed.
"I need to tell you something. I tried to deny this thing for years but I couldn't and I feel like if I don't tell you I'll feel incomplete. So anyways here comes nothing. I.... I love you." Obi-Wan stayed silent. You sighed.
"I don't even know why I did this, you don't love me it's obvious, and plus you're dedicated to the Jedi code and it forbids you to have attachement so yeah sorry.." you turned around to leave, tears in your eyes. Suddenly, a hand grabbed yours and made you turn around. Obi-Wan looked at you and smiled. You were confused. He then kissed you. Your eyes widened.
"I love you too. I'm sorry for not responding, I was shocked. I know the Jedi code means a lot to me but if breaking it means to be with you then I'll do it." You hugged him tightly. He kissed you head.
"And maybe the council won't approve, but they didn't mind anakin being in a relationship so why would it be different for us?"
"You're right. I love you!"
"I love you too darling." You kissed again.
"AH-HA KNEW IT!" You heard. You then turned around to see Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex and Cody spying on you. You hid in Obi-Wan's cloak. You were so embarrassed.
"You two are so cute." Said Ahsoka.
"I knew something was going on between you two!" Said anakin. Your friends were happy. And you felt like the luckiest woman on earth. That night, you cuddled in your bed with Obi-Wan. You slept well.
Yay! Chapter done! Hope you enjoyed. May the Force be with you!

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