22- Almost dying

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Heyyy sorry for not updating in for while. It's just that I didn't really have inspiration plus I was spending time with my cousin. Anyways enjoy ;)
Warning: Angst and feels.
Of course the war hadn't ended entirely. Yes the chancellor was dead but there were still troops of droids that were terrorizing planets. And one of these planets was Mandalore. You and Obi-Wan were assigned on a mission to destroy the droids that were installed on your home planet. You still felt a bit uneasy about going there because the last time you went there, your friend Satine died. You sensed that your boyfriend was also uncomfortable. You were wondering if you were really the one he loved or not. None sense why would he tell me he loves me if he didn't? You sighed and tried to chase these bad thoughts out of your mind. After a few minutes, the shuttle you and your battalion were in landed in front of Satine's old palace and you were welcomed by an army of droids waiting for you. You looked at Obi-Wan and ran into the bunch of droids. You killed them without mercy. Then, after battling a bit more, you and Obi-Wan entered the building and opened the door to an empty room. Your eyes widened when you realized that you were in the room where your friend died not even two years ago. You saw that Obi-Wan was looking at her portrait on one of the walls. You saw that he was angry and shaking.
"It's all your fault!" He said, his voice echoing in the empty room. Your eyes widened in shock.
"It's all your fault! You could have saved her! I was knocked out but you weren't! You could've fought Maul! If you had been stronger, you could've killed Maul and she wouldn't be dead now! If you hadn't been so useless!" He said angrily. You backed up in fear. You've never seen your boyfriend so angry. Your eyes were watering up. You were already feeling guilty and he was adding more guilt. Suddenly, your comlink chimed.
"General, we spotted some droids on level 20!"
"I'm on it." You said softly. You then left the room without looking at Obi-Wan. In the elevator, tears were streaming down your face. Obi is right. If I had been stronger, I could've saved Satine. I even could've saved my Padawan and my master. I knew he still loved Satine. I should've died instead of her! The elevator dinged and the doors opened, revealing a dozen of droids. They all started to shoot at you. You quickly defended yourself. After battling for a few minutes, they cornered you near a big window. You still managed to kill them all, well, that's what you thought. A droid hidden in the shadows appeared and shot you multiple times making you back up and crash the window. Your eyes widened when you registered what was happening. You were falling down from twenty floors. You closed your eyes, crying. Obi, you thought, I'm sorry I couldn't save the one you loved. I guess I'm paying the price by dying too. Take care of yourself... you then blacked out. On the ground, Cody noticed something falling down. When he saw it was someone and not something, he told the other clones to take their shuttles or speeders to catch you before you hit the ground. One of them caught you and brought you down on the ground. The clones looked at your wounds and tried to stop the bleeding. Cody removed his helmet to see better.
"Come on guys! You need to get the first aid kit or else she'll die!" He yelled. Then, the commander looked at you and noticed that your cheeks were wet with water. What happened in there? He wondered. The clones arrived with the first aid kit and they stopped the bleeding as much as they could but you would still need medical attention. Obi-Wan was getting out of the building after finishing to kill the last droids and saw you laying on the ground with clones around you trying to heal you. His eyes widened and he crouched next to you. He noticed the tears on your face. Cody looked at him.
"General? What happened in there?"
"It's all my fault Cody, oh no... it's all my fault!" Cody was confused.
"What is your fault General?" Obi-Wan sighed while drying small tears.
"We had a fight. I told her things I shouldn't have told her. I told her that it was all her fault that our friend Satine died. Though it wasn't her fault. I was just angry and sad and it just got out." Cody sighed and rubbed his friend's back.
[Time Skip to the medical wing]
You woke up feeling groggy. Everything was hurting you. Am I dead? You thought. You then saw clearer and noticed that you were in the medical wing. A medical droid was checking you.
"Welcome back general. I am glad that you are finally awake. I think you have some friends who want to see you. Would you like something to drink?" You rubbed your eyes and looked at your body. Bandages were wrapped around your body. You then looked back at the droid.
"Some water please." The droid poured you a glass of water. You took the glass and drank.
"How long was I out?" You asked.
"About two days. You almost died back there." Maybe I should've died,you thought sadly, it would've been better for everybody.
"Uh, you said that someone wanted to see me?" You asked.
"Yes I'll go get him." The droid opened the door and talked to someone. Then, the only person you didn't want to see for the moment entered the room. Obi-Wan Kenobi. He came in front of your bed.
"Hey love..."
HAHA SORRY CLIFFHANGER!! Don't worry, next chapter is coming soon!! So Idk why but I had the idea of this chapter while listening to No Time To Die by Billie Eilish. So yeah. Small angst sorry. It'll be better between reader and obi don't worry!
Hope you enjoyed. May the Force be with you ;)

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