[chapter:2] Field Trip

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I was suspended for fighting Flash back. Now normally I wouldn't but this time Flash had threatened Ned. That's something you shouldn't do, it's rule numero uno. So now I'm sitting at the island counter eating my breakfast with the team. Yesterday everyone trained together for 10 hours straight. Excluding breaks. So everyone was tired and fatigued. Or at least more than usual. I ate a large breakfast by my standards. I spend most of the morning in the lab with Dad and Uncle Bruce. I head into the kitchen to grab some snacks and walk into Wanda.

"Oh hey Peter, I was looking for you. A few of us are ordering pizza and watching movies in a few. Wanna join?" She suggests. I close the fridge without grabbing anything and nod yes.

"Yeah of course, what are you guys watching?"

"We are currently at a tie for Ferris Bueller and Back to the Future," She grumbles.

"Ferris Bueller," I responded shortly.

"Ms. Maximoff, the pizza has arrived," FRIDAY announced.

"I'll get it, you start the movie," I told her and ran to the elevator.

The elevator ride is quick and I head to the lobby where I see the pizza man waiting. My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Baby spider, do you have the pizza?" I hear Aunt Nat over the phone speaking in Russian.

"Yes, I'm grabbing it now." The pizza man hands it over as I put it on Dad's tab. Of course they used his credit card, again. "I'm coming back right now." I walk back to the elevators but as they close I see my class in the lobby shocked into silence. All except Flash.

"What the hell?" I hear him shout as the elevators close. Shit.

Lucky for me I avoid them for most of the day, except...

Well, Dad wanted me to meet him. No, not just anywhere. The room where all QnA's and press conferences take place. I walk in oblivious to his plans when all of a sudden I hear a loud shout that is not Dad's voice.

"Hey Parker! What the hell are you doing?" Flash yells.

"He's here to help me with this QnA," Dad interrupts.


"Okay let's get this show on the road, Peter join me up here will ya?" Dad gestures to me to walk up to him. I keep my head low as I slowly walk over, almost sulking.

"I'm not gonna introduce myself because you know who I am, as well as Peter here. Okay who has questions first?" Everyone raises their hand and he picks Flash.

"How do you know Pen- Peter Parker?

"He's my personal intern."

"But I've applied to Stark Industries several times, my dad is one of your lawyers too. How come he gets in but I don't?"

"Well, Peter here is, well I don't know where to start. He's smarter than me, he's generous and humble. Peter's the reason I don't drink, he makes sure I take breaks from work and take care of myself instead of passing out every other day. He's an amazing kid which reminds me," He turned to Peter, "He's also my adopted son."

"I was waiting for the press conference!"

Lets just say everyone went home early and Flash wished he was never born.

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