[chapter:6] Sensory overload

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Hi I'm Peter Parker and this is the story of my life specifically how it ended. My class has somehow landed a tour at Stark Industries where I work and live. I stay in the penthouse with my family who are known as the avengers. My adoptive dads are Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers, you might recognize the names. Now I am on a yellow machine with wheels slowly moving to my death.

We arrive to the grounds and slowly walk in as the class admires every detail of the lobby. A receptionist greets the class with a fake smile before Mr. Harrison checks in and grabs our badges.

"Um excuse me miss but I'm short 3 passes for Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds and Peter Parker," Mr. Harrison asks politely.

"I cannot give you passes for those three, we are forbidden to reprint badges of any kind. You three have your badges correct?" She directs the last sentence at my friends and I.

We answer our agreements as Mr Harrison gives us a death stare. A stare that cannot compete with Auntie Tasha's, Peppers or MJ's.The tour guide walks over and begins her lecture.

"Hello everyone my name is Millin Garcia, please refer to me by Millin. Now before we start our tour we must scan our badges. You have all been given level one badges. We give those to tour groups, interviews, guests and any kind of press. Then level 2 for our receptionists, suppliers and janitors. Next is level 3 for tour guides. 4 is for interns, 5 for R&D. 6 is for scientists and technicians. 7 for heads of departments. 8 is for any family or friends of avengers. 9 is for unofficial avengers and finally 10. Level 10 badges belong to Tony Stark, Steve Rodgers, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes and one other who I do not have the clearance to even know of myself."

We all scan our badges and it reaches ours.

"Michelle Jones, level 8. Welcome back."

"Ned Leeds, Level 8. Welcome back."

"Peter, level 10. Welcome back Mini-boss. I shall inform boss-"

"Friday. Mute," I retort quickly

The class gives me wide eyes before continuing on. They mumble and whisper what had happened just now, Flash quickly shut it down saying I must've hacked it or bought someone off to. Out of pure shock some believe him. The tour starts off with a museum of Stark Industries then a superhero one that offshoots it. We walk in and she gives us a brief summary then leaves us to look around the room.

"Dude look!" Ned points to a new case where it displayed a copy of the original spiderman suit. Goggles and all. Oh no.

"He didn't."

"He did! Look there's even a summary about you!" He exclaims.

"Dude, do you want the world to know," I whisper-shout at him as a warning. I take a look at the summary to see that Dad must have written it.

Spiderman, spiderman does whatever a spider can. Spider Man as his name ensues wields the power of spiders. He swings around New York with his built in web slingers-which is the only weapon he uses. Spiderman has a selfless outlook on life, he will do anything in his power to save the little guy as he puts it. After a sudden death of a close family member by gunshot he started to work in the superhero field because as he said, "When you can do the things that I can do but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because of you." Spiderman is one of the youngest heroes of today but carries the burden of one of the oldest. His genius competes against Bruce Banner and Tony Starks. Strength to take down multiple avengers, heart to win over cold hearts. His identity is unknown to the masses but is not to the few called avengers.

I smile at the recognition before Flash interrupts.

"This is probably the closest thing you ever got to spiderman huh?" I sigh as a reply and walk back towards the tour guide as she rounded everyone up. I don't pay attention to the tour and begin to zone out. I autopilot through half of the tour until we reach the labs the student interns work at.

"I bet you've never been here!" Flash interrupts, "No one here even knows you, do they?" I ignore him to the best of my ability. Most interns don't know me due to my duties with Mr. Stark. We pass multiple interns who have said hi to the class but don't know me.

I can only hear the voices of my classmates, talking about my lies or the labs. The keyboards clicking, the guide's obnoxiously loud voice, the metal machinery, gears turning... My clothes grow itchy and everything is too bright. Too loud. Too itchy. I hold my hands over my ears in protection before FRIDAY announces Sensory Overload Protocol. I slowly sink to the floor, my eyes shut tightly. I can feel everyone's gazes on me and a familiar footstep approaching. Dad. The room dims in brightness but the voices around me get louder with each and every second.

"Parker, stop this instant you are causing a scene!" He yanks my arm up without warning. I remain on the floor with one hand pressed against my ear, eyes closed and weak legs.

"What happened?" A familiar voice I recognize as Dad's whispers.

"I am so sorry sir, my student has caused a scene which he will be punished for immediately!" Mr. Harrison calls out. His hand still wrapped tightly around my wrist.

"I wasn't asking you. Pete it's me, Dad. Everything will be okay," He bends down to comfort me. "Babe can you help him to his room, I'm going to talk to his teacher real quick." His tone was menacing and cold as he spoke of the teacher.

"You can't take him with you without guardian permission."

Pops walks over and helps me up, he escorts me out of the room and to my bedroom as fast as possible. The lights are dim, my headphones are on and my sunglasses are propped on my face. I change out of my clothes with a little help into softer ones to ease the itchiness.

I can only hope Dad isn't going crazy downstairs.


"Excuse me, Mr.." Tony lifts the teachers badge up slightly," Henderson. But please educate me why you were harassing your student who so happens to be my personal intern and son?" His words were laced with sarcasm and venom, his eyes zoned in on Harrisons face. Which was petrified.

"I am so sorry Mr. Stark I didn't kno-"

"You didn't know he was my son, as if that should make a difference? Even if he wasnt my son! You should never prey on someone who is already on the fucking ground! I understand you don't know about certain medical issues he faces but he was clearly in a state of distress! He was having a sensory overload! For god damn sake why would you do that?" He exhaled sharply, trying to calm down. "Look, if I were you I would leave right now, including that class of yours. Your trips over as well as your career so get the fuck out of my sight!"

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