[chapter: 9] DNA

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Irondad x spiderson:

Peter sulked into the tower, his shoulders hung low as well as his face which was forbidden to stare at anything but the floor. As soon as he walked into the lab Tony recognized something was wrong. Of course he could just be having a bad day but he felt as if it was something more. It was like a 6 sense had come out that took awareness of Pete and his habits. Even though he was only his mentor he believed he could attempt to get Pete out of this funk.

"Hey Pete! How's your day?" He started off normally.

"Good, I guess."

"I'm only going to get short answers out of you aren't I?"

"I don't know," Peter confirmed.

"What happened?"

"It's nothing." Again, Peter replied with a short answer. He was not fine and whether he liked it or not Tony Stark was not letting this go.

"I'm not going to press you but did something happen that I could help with in any way?" He tried to be as supportive as possible to his mentee that he didn't think of as a son.

"I- Actually..." He trailed off for a second. Peter's head was working it's magic, the gears turning. "I can't do this without telling you so I'll say it outloud. Apparently my dad is not my dad. I'm not a Parker. I'm not related to Aunt May and Uncle Ben.I still love them as my relatives and nothing less but... I might have a dad again."

Tony felt a pang of jealousy through his heart, he wanted to be this kid's dad so much. He wanted to be in his life in no other way but couldn't do anything about it.

"So what did you want to do? Find out who your dad is?"


So for the next week the both of them searched for men who lived or stayed in New York City 15 years ago that had come in contact with his mom. It was a heavy research project, it required hours of lost sleep. On both sides of the party. Tony had become aware of this and became the force that made sure the both of them got a reasonable amount of sleep. He turned around. The kid had an impact on him; he'll admit it. He's cursed less, stopped drinking, gotten a healthier lifestyle to be a better role model for the kid. By the end of the week they had figured out a way to trace anyone who could be his dad by using Peter's dna. The program took 3 days of work to complete, test runs included.

It was now ready to use and work. Peter had inserted some form of his dna before the machine began to whire. It's screen popped up with a loading screen. It'll take an hour so they waited impatiently by watching some movies. It could be a reward for their hard work.

"Boss, the scan is complete, I have already found and located Mr. Parker's father."

It was this moment that Tony dreaded, he didn't want to lose him to someone else, he enjoyed the time they spent together and wished. Friday announces the results.

"My scans have shown one match, first name: Anthony surname: Stark."

"I-" Peter was speechless. Same as Tony.

"I know you never asked for this, and I would completely accept it if you don't want to do anything about this," Peter said without lifting his gaze from the floor.

"Pete, I was so nervous to lose you to someone that's apparently your father. I'll admit I was jealous but this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. My engagement is the second."

They launched themselves into a hug as tears fell down the faces of both parties. Only to be interrupted by-

"Hey tony-" Steve realized he walked into something he shouldn't have. He quickly turned around.

"Wait, does that make the others my-?" Peter was interrupted yet again when Tony replied in a serious manner.

"Yes. Kid you have such a big and loving family the moment you walk out those doors."

BREAK -(o.o)- this is Bowie.

Not too long after their discovery Tony believed it would be best if he told the others. Which included the Avengers and Pepper. He would have to tell his fiance first as they should so they both walked into her office, almost hesitantly. Both of them were nervous, for obvious reasons.

"Tony, I had to move a meeting back so this better be good."

"It is Pep, it is," Tony started and had the three of them sit on a couch in the corner of the room. "You know what we've been up to lately right?"

"Yeah, Pete's trying to find his dad. Is that what this is about?"

"Yeah." They mumbled in response.

"Look Pep, I don't know how you'll feel about this but Pete here is my kid." His hands held hers rather tightly as she gaped in shock. She quickly enveloped the two in a tight and warm hug.

"Peter, I am so happy. Since we are getting married does that make me a mom?" She directed the last part at the two of them. They turned their heads to each other, talking with their eyes before both nodding crazily. It was truly the best time of their lives.

Next was the team. They had all sat in the living room. Tony and Peter stood in front of them, Pepper standing to the side.

"What did you do this time?" Steve questioned aloud.

"Well, me and Pete here have been working nonstop all week long. For good reason."

"That reason being?"

"Well," Tony glanced at Peter before he answered for him.

"You know me as Peter Parker but it turns out I'm not." The team had confusion stitched on their faces. Until he explained.

"I'm not a spy or anything, don't worry. But what I'm getting to is that my dad is-"

"Me." Tony said softly, almost to himself. He wrapped an arm around his kid.

"Even though I make suits, weapons and a million other things for a living I would say that you are the best creation." This was the first time the team had seen Tony Stark crying in front of them. Happily.

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